ART-DECOR Governance

Aus HL7 Austria MediaWiki
Version vom 21. Februar 2019, 11:28 Uhr von Sjencic (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Versioning of value sets)
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1 Summary


1.1 Guidelines


1.2 Governance


2 Introduction

2.1 Purpose


2.2 Scope


2.3 Process of developing


2.4 Evolving document


3 Richtlinien

3.1 Sprache

Die gesamte Dokumentation eines ELGA Implementierungsleitfadens wird grundsätzlich in deutscher Sprache verfasst. Dazu gehören textuelle Beschreibungen im Wiki, Art-Decor-Templates und Datasets.

3.2 OIDs

Im Zusammenhang mit der Verwendung von OIDs sind die österreichischen Richtlinen einzuhalten (Object Identifier (OID) Konzept für das österreichische Gesundheitswesen). Das österreichische OID Portal ist zu finden unter (OID Portal Österreich).

3.2.1 Implementierungsleitfäden

Für jeden Implementierungsleitfaden muss eine OID unterhalb des Knotens registriert werden. Falls Dokumente in aufeinander aufbauenden Versionen vorliegen, kann dafür darunter eine zusätzliche Ebene angelegt werden.


  • Implementierungsleitfaden Meldung von antimikrobieller Resistenzen
  • Implementierungsleitfaden Meldung von antimikrobieller Resistenzen - Version 1.00

3.2.2 Art-Decor Root OIDs

Als neuer Root-Knoten für Art-Decor wird (eHealth-Austria/services) verwendet.

Alle Art-Decor Value-Sets müssen unterhalb des OID-Knotes liegen (eHealth-Austria/services/art-decor/value-sets).

Alle Art-Decor Templates müssen unterhalb des OID-Knotes liegen (eHealth-Austria/services/art-decor/templates).

3.2.3 Root OIDs for templates

OIDs for Art-Decor templates shall be drawn according to their CDA template types from the corresponding following child nodes:

.0 Document Level Template
.1 Header Level Template
.2 Section Level Template
.3 Entry Level Template
.9 other CDA Fragment Template

3.2.4 Versioning of document-level templates


3.2.5 Versioning of value sets

Name: Name des Value Sets In Art-Decor ist der "Wiedergabename" gleichzeitig der "Name".

Versionlabel: YYYYMM.Korrekturnummer(-beta)

Korrekturnummer ist optional. Bei Änderungen innerhalb eines Monats wird eine Korrekturnummer angehängt.

"Beta" wird nur bei Value Sets verwendet, die noch in Arbeit sind. Sobald die Version gültig ist, wird das beta entfernt und die Version wird am Terminologieserver veröffentlicht.

3.2.6 OIDs to be registered


3.3 Art-Decor

3.3.1 Repositories Art-Decor BBR

Das ELGA Building Block Repository (BBR) enthält alle Basis-Templates:

Die im ELGA BBR befindlichen Templates dürfen nur von einem eingeschränkten Benutzerkreis bearbeitet werden.

3.3.2 Governance Groups

TODO Artefact status in repositories

In a repository, artefacts shall be initially created in the status 'draft'. When finished, reviewed and endorsed, an artefact’s status can be changed in the repository according the rules of the responsible governance group (see Editor for the Art-Decor default state/event diagram). Chapter #Repositories contains the description of the detailed process and responsibilities.

3.3.3 Documentation Templates

TODO Standard references


3.3.4 Datasets Language

See chapter #Languages for language guidelines. Optionality

TODO Official ELGA implementation guides Minimum Description


3.3.5 Namenskonventionen

3.3.6 Versions-Label

Im Version-Label wird prinzipiell die Jahrzahl der Verabschiedung des Templates resp. Value-Sets resp. Datasets etc. eingetragen. Sollte die Angabe des Jahres nicht ausreichend sein, wird sie mit .Monat ergänzt. Dito für Tagesaktuelle Versionen. Beispiele: 2019 2019.01 2019.01.16 Namenskonventionen für Templates

Die Namen von Templates werden wie folgt angegeben:


  • [Präfix]: Als Präfix dient das Projektkürzel (Name des Repositories)
  • [Template-Typ]: Der Template-Typ kann
    • document
    • header
    • section
    • entry
    • other


  • [ElementName]: wird in CamelCase-Notation angegeben.

Als Trenner fungieren Unterstriche "_".


  • Template einer kodierten Sektion im AT-CDA-BBR:

Name: atcdabrr_section_FruehereErkrankungKodiert
DisplayName: Impfempfehlungen - kodiert

  • Template einer kodierten Sektion im ELGA BBR:

Name: elga_section_ImpfempfehlungenKodiert
DisplayName: Impfempfehlungen - kodiert

  • Document Level Template aus dem Projekt eImpfpass:

Name: eimpf_document_KompletterImpfstatus
DisplayName: Kompletter Impfstatus

  • Entry aus AT-CDA-BBR:

Name: atcdabrr_entry_Anmerkung
DisplayName: Anmerkung Entry

  • Template aus der Kategorie "Other":

Name: elga_other_TextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText
DisplayName: Narrative Text Reference

3.3.7 Namenskonventionen für Value-Sets

Analog zu Templates, mit dem Zusatz "VS". Beispiel: Name: eimpf_Abrechenbarkeit_VS Wiedergabename: Abrechenbarkeit VS

3.4 Mediawiki

3.4.1 Structure of an Implementation Guide

To ensure a consistent approach and display of the implementation guide, the following (minimum, German) structure is recommended:



3.4.2 Schematic View of Templates


3.4.3 Revisions


3.5 Releases

3.5.1 Art-Decor


3.5.2 Wiki Check before finalizing

Thew folowing checks help to identify possible errors or missing includes from Art-Decor. Templates from other repositories than under the governance from eHealth Suisse need to be imported separatly. Please send the necessary OID and related project information to the Art-Decor Support.

  • Perform search for:
    • "/dynamic"
    • "/static"
    • "Cannot find"
    • ...

Afterwards: Create a revision according to Wiki revisions.

4 Governance

4.1 Responsibilities

4.1.1 Support for Art-Decor


4.1.2 Governance Groups


4.1.3 Repositories


4.1.4 Wiki


4.2 Art-Decor artifact states

The following state/event diagram shows the default states and possbile transitions for an artifact within Art-Decor:

[Abbildung 1] Default state diagram for Art-Decor artefacts

Each Governance Group may decide to avoid some of these states. It is not recommended to add new states by a Governance Group.

[Tabelle 1] Art-Decor state machine

Status Action Trigger / Description Example for CDA-CH Responsibility
  draft activate Artefact is finished and it is considered as final (no review needed). n/a for CDA-CH as review necessary. Developer
consider If an artefact is considered to be moved into a repository, this action is applied and the artefact has to be reviewed by the owner/team of the repository. final draft for a CDA-CH V2 template ready to review. Developer (info to the Reviewer)
cancel If an artefact is not further developed, it is cancelled. any developed draft template not to be used anymore. Developer
  pending activate Upon decision of the review team. CDA-CH V2 template has been reviewed within HL7 Switzerland and was considered to be ready for release. Review team of the repository.
reject If the artefact is considered as not appropriate for the repository, it's rejected. HL7 Switzerland does not consider the template. Review team of the repository.
  rejected Decision necessary for what next status applies, it is recommended to set the status to draft and re-evaluate it for a repository or set is as active only within the project. As appropriate, propose to set it to draft again or move it to another BBR. Developer
  active review Maintenance or update of a project/repository. Review CDA-CH template to consider it for CDA-CH v2. Repository / Project owner
retire In case of a new version, the old version is retired in order to have only one valid version of an artefact. A CDA-CH template is not used anymore or replaced by another one. Repository / Project owner
  pre-publication review reactivate If updated and considered as final by the responsible person, the artefact is re-activated. template is reviewed within HL7 Switzerland and considered to be ready for release. Repository / Project owner
retire A CDA-CH template is not used anymore or replaced by another one.

4.3 Quality Assurance & Review

4.3.1 Art-Decor Repository


4.3.2 Implementation Guides


4.3.3 Official ELGA implementation guides


5 Annex

5.1 Links

5.2 List of Figures

  1. Default state diagram for Art-Decor artefacts

5.3 List of Tables

  1. Art-Decor state machine

5.4 List of future definitions


5.5 Weiterführende Links

HL7 Schweiz