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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> Document Realm (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> Document TypeId (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> Document Id (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> Document StatusCode (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> Document PracticeSettingCode (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> Document Effective Time (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> HeaderParticipant Angehörige  Participant Angehoerige (<ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevelnotype"> Headernotype </div> PersonElements  Address Compilation (</li>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevelnotype"> Headernotype </div> OrganizationElements  Person Name Compilation G1 M (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G2 M (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Organization Compilation with name (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation (</li> </ol> </li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> CDA inFulfillmentOf (2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.109)</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> In Fulfillment Of (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> Documentation Of Service Event - Outpatient Report (<ol>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype *"> * </div> Time Interval Information minimal (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Assigned Entity (<ol>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> Document Replacement - Related Document (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaheaderlevel"> Header</div> Component Of - Encompassing Encounter (<ol>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaentrylevel"> Entry</div> Konsultationsgrund Entry (<ol>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype *"> * </div> Time Interval Information minimal (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Author Body (<ol>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Narrative Text Reference (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype *"> * </div> Time Interval Information minimal (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Original Text Reference (</li>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaentrylevel"> Entry</div> Problem Concern Entry Ambulanzbefund (<ol>
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<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype *"> * </div> Time Interval Information minimal (</li>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaentrylevel"> Entry</div> Problem Entry Ambulanzbefund (<ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaentrylevel"> Entry</div> ELGA History of Procedures (<ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype *"> * </div> Time Interval Information minimal (</li>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Author Body (<ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdasectionlevel"> Section</div> Übersetzung (<ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notypecdaentrylevel"> notype Entry</div> Author Body  Serienmessung Vitalparameter Entry (<ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype*"> notype * </div> Address Compilation  Time Interval Information minimal (</li>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G2  Performer Body (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Device Compilation (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Organization Compilation with id, name (<ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Assigned Entity Body (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation Minimal (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G1 M (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G2 M (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Organization Compilation with name, addr minimal (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation Minimal (</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> </ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Informant Body (<ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Assigned Entity  Author Body (<ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation Minimal (</li>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G1 M G2 (</li>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name  Device Compilation G2 M (</li>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Organization Compilation with id, name, addr minimal (<ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation Minimal (</li>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Informant Body (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Assigned Entity Body (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation Minimal (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G1 M (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G2 M (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Organization Compilation with name, addr minimal (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation Minimal (</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation Minimal (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G2 (</li> </ol> </li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Participant Body (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaentrylevel"> Entry</div> CDA Device SDTC (2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.815)</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaentrylevel"> Entry</div> CDA PlayingEntity SDTC (2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.813)</li> </ol> </li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaentrylevel"> Entry</div> Serienmessungs-Gruppe Entry (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaentrylevel"> Entry</div> Serienmessungs-Werte Entry (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaentrylevel"> Entry</div> Serienmessungs-Periode Entry (</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdasectionlevel"> Section</div> Übersetzung (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Author Body (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G2 (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Device Compilation (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Organization Compilation with id, name (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation (</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Informant Body (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Assigned Entity Body (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation Minimal (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G1 M (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G2 M (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Organization Compilation with name, addr minimal (<ol> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation Minimal (</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Address Compilation Minimal (</li> <li class="ad-template"> <div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype notype"> notype </div> Person Name Compilation G2 (</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaentrylevel"> Entry</div> Problem Concern Entry Ambulanzbefund (<ol>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype *"> * </div> Time Interval Information minimal (</li>
<li class="ad-template">
<div class="nowrapinline ad-templatetype cdaentrylevel"> Entry</div> Problem Entry Ambulanzbefund (<ol>
