1 Value Set ELGA_AllergyReaction
Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen: Auswirkungen von Allergien und Intoleranzen
1.1 Aktuelle Version
Diese Terminologie ist eine Momentaufnahme vom . Terminologien können sich im Laufe der Zeit weiterentwickeln. Wenn eine neuere (dynamische) Versionen dieser Terminologie benötigt wird, bitte von der Quelle abrufen. |
Id | ref at-cda-bbr- | Gültigkeit ab | 2021‑04‑29 |
Status | Entwurf | Versions-Label | 202104(-beta) |
Name | ELGA_AllergyReaction | Bezeichnung | ELGA_AllergyReaction |
Beschreibung | Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen: Auswirkungen von Allergien und Intoleranzen |
Copyright | This artefact includes content from SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is copyright of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO). Implementers of these artefacts must have the appropriate SNOMED CT Affiliate license - for more information contact http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/getsnomed-ct or info@snomed.org. |
Benutzung: 3 | Id | Name | Typ |
Template |
at-entrys-34 | Reaction Manifestation (2020) | DYNAMIC | at-entrys-34 | Reaction Manifestation (1.0.0+20210219) | DYNAMIC | elga-template(1)-13.3.15 | Problem Entry Allergien-Reaktion (0.1) | DYNAMIC |
Quell-Codesystem | |
Level/ Typ | Code | Bezeichnung | Codesystem |
0‑L | 39579001 | Anaphylaxis | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 41291007 | Angio-oedema | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 195967001 | Asthma | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 267036007 | Dyspnoea | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 24079001 | Atopic dermatitis | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑D | 359610006 | Ocular hyperaemia [veraltet] | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 4386001 | Bronchospasm | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 271759003 | Bullous eruption | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 9826008 | Conjunctivitis | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 62315008 | Diarrhoea | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 702809001 | Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 43116000 | Eczema | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 23924001 | Tight chest | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 95361005 | Inflammatory disease of mucous membrane | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 422400008 | Vomiting | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 36715001 | EM - Erythema multiforme | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 3723001 | Arthritis | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 271807003 | Eruption of skin | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 418363000 | Itching of skin | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 698247007 | Cardiac arrhythmia | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 410430005 | Cardiorespiratory arrest | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 49727002 | Cough | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 418290006 | Itching | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 40275004 | Contact dermatitis | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 91175000 | Seizure | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 51599000 | Oedema of larynx | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 768962006 | Lyell syndrome | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 247471006 | Maculopapular rash | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 52845002 | Nephritis | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 76067001 | Sneezing | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 271757001 | Papular eruption | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑D | 115664001 | Photoallergy [veraltet] | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 247472004 | Weal | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 70076002 | Rhinitis | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 73442001 | Stevens-Johnson syndrome | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 162290004 | Dry eyes | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 422587007 | Nausea | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 126485001 | Urticaria | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 31996006 | Vasculitis | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 111209006 | Photoallergic dermatitis | SNOMED Clinical Terms | 0‑L | 781682005 | Hyperemia of eye | SNOMED Clinical Terms |
Legende: Typ L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavor OTH (other) schlägt Text in originalText vor. HL7 V3: NullFlavors werden im @nullFlavor Attribut statt in @code angegeben. |
1.2 Zusammenstellung aller Versionen dieses Value Sets