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Id | | Gültigkeit | 2008‑08‑08 |
Status | Aktiv | Versions-Label | |
Name | LaboratoryIsolateOrganizer | Bezeichnung | IHE Laboratory Isolate Organizer |
Kontext | Elternknoten des Template-Element mit Id |
Klassifikation | CDA Entry Level Template |
Offen/Geschlossen | Offen (auch andere als die definierten Elemente sind erlaubt) |
Item | DT | Kard | Konf | Beschreibung | Label |
| | | | | (Lab...zer) |  | @classCode
| | 1 … 1 | F | CLUSTER |  | @moodCode
| | 1 … 1 | F | EVN |  | hl7:templateId
| II | 1 … 1 | | | (Lab...zer) |  |  | @root
| | 1 … 1 | F | | | Schematron assert | role | error | | | test | hl7:statusCode[@code="completed"] or hl7:statusCode[@code="active"] or hl7:statusCode[@code="aborted"] | | | Meldung | Error: The organizer/statusCode/@code shall be "completed", "active" or "aborted" for Laboratory Isolate Organizer. | | | Schematron assert | role | error | | | test | hl7:specimen | | | Meldung | Error: The organizer/specimen element shall be present for Laboratory Isolate Organizer. | | | Schematron assert | role | error | | | test | hl7:specimen[@typeCode="SPC"] | | | Meldung | Error: The specimen/@typeCode shall be "SPC" for Laboratory Isolate Organizer. | | | Schematron assert | role | error | | | test | hl7:specimen/hl7:specimenRole[@classCode="SPEC"] | | | Meldung | Error: The specimen/specimenRole/@classCode shall be "SPEC" for Laboratory Isolate Organizer. | | | Schematron assert | role | error | | | test | hl7:specimen/hl7:specimenRole/hl7:specimenPlayingEntity | | | Meldung | Error: The specimen/specimenRole/specimenPlayingEntity shall be present Laboratory Isolate Organizer. | | | Schematron assert | role | error | | | test | hl7:specimen/hl7:specimenRole/hl7:specimenPlayingEntity[@classCode="MIC"] | | | Meldung | Error: The specimen/specimenRole/specimenPlayingEntity/@classCode shall be "MIC" Laboratory Isolate Organizer. | | | Schematron assert | role | error | | | test | hl7:specimen/hl7:specimenRole/hl7:specimenPlayingEntity/hl7:code | | | Meldung | Error: The specimen/specimenRole/specimenPlayingEntity shall be present Laboratory Isolate Organizer. | | | Schematron assert | role | error | | | test | not(hl7:performer) or hl7:performer[@typeCode="PRF"] | | | Meldung | Error: The performer/@typeCode shall be "PRF" Laboratory Isolate Organizer. | | | Schematron assert | role | error | | | test | not(hl7:author) or hl7:author[@typeCode="AUT"] | | | Meldung | Error: The author/@typeCode shall be "AUT" for Laboratory Isolate Organizer. | | | Schematron assert | role | error | | | test | not(hl7:participant) or hl7:participant[@typeCode="AUTHEN"] or hl7:participant[@typeCode="RESP"] or hl7:participant[@typeCode="DEV"] | | | Meldung | Error: The participant/@typeCode for shall be "AUTHEN", "RESP" or "DEV" Laboratory Isolate Organizer. | | | Schematron assert | role | error | | | test | not(hl7:component) or hl7:component[@typeCode="COMP"] | | | Meldung | Error: The component/@typeCode for shall be "COMP" for Laboratory Isolate Organizer. | |