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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
=2020-06-01 18:52:36=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2020-05-20 19:34:51=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2020-04-09 19:46:58=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2020-03-29 13:52:19=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[epims_entry_EmsOrganizerObservation (Template)]]
*[[dummy_xxxx (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_titleTest (Template)]]
=2020-03-10 17:34:16=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[epims_Reiseland (Value Set)]]
*[[epims_meldepflichtigeKrankheiten (Value Set)]]
*[[exnds_behandlungschein (Value Set)]]
*[[epims_entry_hospitalization (Template)]]
*[[epims_document_labormeldung (Template)]]
*[[epims_entry_EMSOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[epims_header_documentationOfServiceEventLaboratoryReport (Template)]]
*[[epims_entry_foreignCountry (Template)]]
*[[exnds_entry_patientInfoAdministrative (Template)]]
*[[exnds_entry_behandlungsscheinEntry (Template)]]
*[[exnds_entry_obsPatInfoMed (Template)]]
*[[exnds_entry_obsPatInfoAdm (Template)]]
*[[exnds_entry_behandlunsscheinOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[exnds_entry_patientInfoMed (Template)]]
=2020-02-20 14:51:50=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[epims_krankheitsmerkmale (Value Set)]]
*[[epims_EMSMaterial (Value Set)]]
*[[epims_materialMethod (Value Set)]]
*[[epims_header_documentationOfServiceEventPhysicianNote (Template)]]
*[[epims_entry_specimenCollection (Template)]]
*[[epims_entry_notificationOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[epims_document_arztmeldung (Template)]]
*[[epims_other_organizationCompilationWithIdNameTelAddr (Template)]]
*[[epims_entry_DoD (Template)]]
*[[epims_header_informationRecipient (Template)]]
*[[epims_entry_informant (Template)]]
*[[epims_section_EMSSectionArztmeldung (Template)]]
*[[epims_header_RecordTarget (Template)]]
*[[epims_other_PersonNameCompilationG2M (Template)]]
*[[epims_header_documentationOfServiceEventInfDisNote (Template)]]
*[[epims_entry_caseIdentification (Template)]]
*[[DeviceHardwareRevisionInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceGMDNInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceManufacturerInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DevicePartNumberInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceSoftwareRevisonInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceMeasurementRangeObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceTimeSynchronizationInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceResolutionObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceSamplingFrequencyObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceProductInstanceTemplate (Template)]]
*[[DeviceModelNumberInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DevicePCHAVersionInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceSpecificationUnspecifiedInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceProtocolInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceRegulationStatusInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceFirmwareRevisionInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceAccuracyObservation (Template)]]
*[[DeviceSerialNumberInformationObservation (Template)]]
*[[xdummy (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_document_AllgemeinerLeitfaden (Template)]]
=2020-02-01 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[XXXelgagab_header_DocumentationOfServiceEventAmbulanzbefund (Template)]]
*[[atcdabrr_section_HilfsmittelRessourcen (Template)]]
*[[atcdabrr_section_Risiken (Template)]]
=2020-01-27 11:27:27=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabrr_section_Anmerkungen (Template)]]
=2020-01-25 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2020-01-23 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2020-01-22 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2020-01-21 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2020-01-18 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eHV_Aufenthaltsart (Value Set)]]
*[[krebsreg_diagmeth (Value Set)]]
*[[krebsreg_diaganl (Value Set)]]
*[[krebsreg_diagnoseanlass (Value Set)]]
*[[krebsreg_Meldungsausloeser (Value Set)]]
*[[eHV_Entry_Zustimmung (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Entry_Antragsgrund (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Entry_RehaMgmtOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Entry_RehaOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Entry_ZustDSGVO (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Section_WeitDiagUndIndik (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Section_Rehamanagement (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Aerztliche_Angaben (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Section_Weitere_Informationen (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Entry_Aufenthaltsart (Template)]]
*[[HeaderRecordTarget (Template)]]
*[[HeaderRecordTarget_eHV (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Section_Anhaenge (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Entry_Einverstaendnis_KH (Template)]]
*[[HeaderAuthenticator (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Document_Antrag_auf_HeilverfahreneHV_Document_Antrag_auf_Heilverfahren (Template)]]
*[[HeaderAuthor (Template)]]
*[[HeaderInformationRecipient_eHV (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Section_Antragsrelevante_Diagnose (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Entry_Geplantes_Entlassungsdatum (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Section_weitere_Reha_Angaben (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Section_Antragsgrund (Template)]]
*[[eHV_Entry_Unfallart (Template)]]
*[[HeaderLegalAuthenticator (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_dauerdiagnosen (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_laborparameter (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_geldflussdaten (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_karteineintragungen (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_weiterePatieteninformationMedizinisch (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_behandlungsschein (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_krankenstand (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_behandlungen (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_weiterePatienteninformationAdministrativ (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_absDaten (Template)]]
*[[exnds_document_exportNormdatensatz (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_formular (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_familienanamne (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_eCardKonsultationsdaten (Template)]]
*[[exnds_section_weitereMerkmale (Template)]]
*[[krebsreg_Section_InformationMeldung (Template)]]
*[[KREREG_Document_Krebsregistermeldung (Template)]]
*[[krebsreg_entry_observation_Diagnoseanlass (Template)]]
*[[krebsreg_Section_Tumorbeschreibung (Template)]]
*[[krebsreg_document_Krebsregistermeldung (Template)]]
*[[krebsreg_entry_observation_Meldungsauslöser (Template)]]
*[[krebsreg_entry_ProblemOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[krebsreg_Section_WeitereAngaben (Template)]]
*[[krebsreg_entry_observation_Diagmeth (Template)]]
*[[krebsreg_Section_Todesursache (Template)]]
*[[krebsreg_entry_observation_generic (Template)]]
*[[HeaderInformant (Template)]]
=2020-01-15 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2020-01-11 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[elgagab_section_ZusammenfassendeBeurteilung (Template)]]
=2020-01-10 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_entry_Logo (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_Brieftext (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_AbschliessendeBemerkung (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_Beilagen (Template)]]
*[[Konsultations-oderUeberweisungsgrund (Template)]]
*[[DurchgefuehrteMassnahmen_AB (Template)]]
*[[Vorbefunde (Template)]]
*[[elgagab_entry_ProblemICD10Diagnose (Template)]]
=2020-01-09 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2020-01-08 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2020-01-06 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-12-20 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-12-18 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-12-17 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-12-14 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-12-13 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-12-12 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-12-11 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[XXXelgagab_header_DocumentationOfServiceEventAmbulanzbefund (Template)]]
=2019-12-10 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-12-07 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-12-06 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_AllergyStatusCode_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[atcdabbr_AllergyOrIntolerance_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[atcdabbr_CriticalityObservationValue_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[atcdabbr_ConditionVerificationStatus_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[atcdabbr_AbsentOrUnknownAllergies_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[atcdabbr_AllergyReaction_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[atcdabbr_ProblemSeverity_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[x_dummy (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_FruehereErkrankungUnkodiert (Template)]]
*[[DurchgefuehrteMassnahmen_AB (Template)]]
*[[Vorbefunde (Template)]]
*[[Konsultations-oderUeberweisungsgrund (Template)]]
=2019-12-04 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_entry_MedicationStatement (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_MedikationslistePSKodiert (Template)]]
=2019-12-03 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[x_dummy (Template)]]
=2019-11-30 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_HistoryOfProcedures (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_BisherigeMassnahmenKodiert (Template)]]
=2019-11-29 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-11-28 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_section_Medikationsliste (Template)]]
=2019-11-27 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabrr_section_WillenserklaerungenUndAndereJuridischeDokumente (Template)]]
*[[atcdabrr_section_SUBWillenserklaerungenUndAndereJuridischeDokumente (Template)]]
=2019-11-26 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_entry_BisherigeSchwangerschaften (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_ReactionManifestation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_AktuelleSchwangerschaft (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_ErwartetesGeburtsdatum (Template)]]
*[[x_dummy (Template)]]
=2019-11-23 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_entry_AllergyOrIntoleranceConcern (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_AllergyOrIntolerance (Template)]]
=2019-11-22 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_entry_MedicalDevice (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_CriticalityObservation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_ParticipantBodyAllergen (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_LebensstilTabakkonsumQuantitativ (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_CertaintyObservation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_AllergienReaktionProblem (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_AllergienUndIntoleranzenProblemConcern (Template)]]
*[[atcdabrr_section_AllergienUndIntoleranzenKodiert (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_AllergienUndIntoleranzenProblem (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_AllergyStatusObservation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_SeverityObservation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AuthorBodyAllgemein (Template)]]
*[[atcdabrr_section_MedizinischeGeraeteUndImplantateKodiert (Template)]]
=2019-11-19 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[elgagab_section_WeitereEmpfohleneMassnahmenKodiert (Template)]]
*[[elgagab_section_diagnostikUndBefundeKodiert (Template)]]
=2019-11-18 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-11-17 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-11-15 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[elgagab_section_WeitereEmpfohleneMassnahmenCodiert (Template)]]
*[[elgagab_section_diagnostikUndBefundeCodiert (Template)]]
=2019-11-14 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-11-12 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-11-09 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-11-08 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[SchwangerschaftenCodiert (Template)]]
*[[elgagab_section_LebensstilCodiert (Template)]]
*[[elgagab_section_LebensstilNarrative (Template)]]
*[[elgagab_section_KonsultUeberweisungsgrundKodiert_alt (Template)]]
=2019-11-07 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-11-06 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[elgaambbef_document_ambulanzbefund_fullsupport (Template)]]
*[[elgagab_header_DocumentationOfServiceEventAmbulanzbefund (Template)]]
*[[elgagab_section_KonsultUeberweisungsgrundCodiert (Template)]]
=2019-10-31 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-29 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-25 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-24 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-23 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-21 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-20 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-19 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-18 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-17 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-16 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eImpf_ExponiertePersonengruppe_VS (Value Set)]]
=2019-10-15 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-14 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-12 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-11 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-10 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-09 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-08 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-05 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-04 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-03 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-10-02 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-27 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-26 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-25 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-21 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-20 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-19 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-18 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[MedikationsEinnahmeEntry (Template)]]
*[[Medikationseinnahme (Template)]]
=2019-09-13 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-12 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-11 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-10 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-07 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-06 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_Formatcode (Value Set)]]
=2019-09-05 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-09-03 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-31 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-30 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-29 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-28 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-27 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-25 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-24 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-23 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-22 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_section_AntikoerperBestimmungKodiert (Template)]]
=2019-08-21 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-20 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-17 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-15 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[xdummy9994 (Template)]]
*[[xdummy9997 (Template)]]
*[[xdummy9998 (Template)]]
*[[xdummy9992 (Template)]]
*[[xdummy9999 (Template)]]
*[[xdummy9996 (Template)]]
*[[xdummy99912 (Template)]]
*[[xdummy9993 (Template)]]
*[[xdummy99910 (Template)]]
*[[xdummy9995 (Template)]]
*[[xdummy9991 (Template)]]
*[[xdummy99911 (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_Impfreaktion (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_Impfreaktion (Template)]]
=2019-08-14 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_entry_ImmunizationImpfungNichtAngegeben (Template)]]
=2019-08-13 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-10 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-09 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_header_DocumentationOfServiceEvent_eImpfpass (Template)]]
=2019-08-08 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-07 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-06 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_entry_AntikoerperBestimmungDataProcessing (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_entry_AntikoerperBestimmungBatteryOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_entry_AntikoerperBestimmungDataProcessing (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_entry_AntikoerperBestimmungLaboratoryObservation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_LaboratoryObservation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_LabReportDataProcessing (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_LaboratoryBatteryOrganizer (Template)]]
=2019-08-03 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-02 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-08-01 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-31 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-30 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eImpf_Impfstoffe_VS (Value Set)]]
=2019-07-26 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-25 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-24 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-23 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eImpf_ImpfrelevanteErkankungen_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[eImpf_Impfabrechnungsrolle_VS (Value Set)]]
=2019-07-20 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabrr_section_VitalparameterKodiert (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_VitalparameterGruppeEntry (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_VitalparameterEntry (Template)]]
=2019-07-19 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_Dokumentenklasse_Ambulant (Value Set)]]
*[[x_dummy1 (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_impfPlan (Template)]]
=2019-07-18 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_section_FruehereErkrankungUnkodiert (Template)]]
=2019-07-17 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-16 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-15 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-13 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-12 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[x_dummy_92 (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_entry_xdummy91 (Template)]]
=2019-07-11 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-10 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_header_RecordTarget_eImpfpass (Template)]]
=2019-07-09 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-07 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-06 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-05 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-04 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_Laborparameter_Impftiter_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Befundbereiche_VS (Value Set)]]
=2019-07-03 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-02 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-07-01 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[tgd_code_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[TGD_ServiceEvents_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_DocumentCode (Template)]]
=2019-06-29 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_other_StyleSheetTesteImpfpass (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_StyleSheetTesteBefund (Template)]]
=2019-06-28 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-27 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-26 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-25 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-22 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-20 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-19 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-18 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-15 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-14 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_other_AuthorBody (Template)]]
=2019-06-12 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-08 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-07 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-06 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-05 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-04 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-06-02 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-05-31 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-05-30 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungen_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_HistorischeImpfstoffe_VS (Value Set)]]
=2019-05-29 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-05-28 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_xdummy (Template)]]
=2019-05-25 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-05-24 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_entry_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungProblemEntry (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_section_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungen (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_section_Antikoerper_Bestimmung (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_entry_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungenProblemConcern (Template)]]
*[[ZusammenfassendeBeurteilung (Template)]]
*[[VorbekannteErkrankungenUndGesundheitsprobleme (Template)]]
=2019-05-23 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[elgaimpf_section_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungen (Template)]]
*[[x_dummy_atcdabbr_section_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungenKodiert (Template)]]
=2019-05-22 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[x_dummy22 (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_entry_Impfreaktion (Template)]]
=2019-05-21 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_entry_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungProblemEntry (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_entry_ProblemBedenken (Template)]]
*[[elgaimpf_section_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungen (Template)]]
*[[elgaimpf_entry_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungenProblemConcern (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_xDummyErkarnkung (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_ImpfrelevanteErkrankung (Template)]]
=2019-05-17 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[x_dummy_DLT_KompletterImmunisierungsstatus_alt (Template)]]
*[[elgagab_section_pflegemassnahmen (Template)]]
=2019-05-16 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_other_LaboratoryPerformerBody (Template)]]
*[[ atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityCompilationWithNameAddrAndTelecom (Template)]]
=2019-05-15 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_section_UebersetzungKodiert (Template)]]
=2019-05-14 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_xdummy (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_document_AllgemeinerLeitfaden_nonXMLBody (Template)]]
=2019-05-11 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[elgaambbef_document_ambulanzbefund (Template)]]
=2019-05-10 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_Impfabrechnungsrolle_VS (Value Set)]]
=2019-05-09 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_other_PerformerBodyImpfendePerson (Template)]]
*[[ atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityBodyImpfendePerson (Template)]]
=2019-05-08 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_entry_LaboratoryObservation (Template)]]
=2019-05-07 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-05-03 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-04-30 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-04-26 18:10:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-04-26 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_xdummy (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_pharmaceutical (Template)]]
=2019-04-25 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_ExponiertePersonengruppen_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[eimpf_xdummy (Template)]]
*[[atcdabrr_section_Personengruppe (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_vaccine (Template)]]
=2019-04-19 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-04-18 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_xdummy (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_pharmaceutical (Template)]]
*[[ atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityBody (Template)]]
=2019-04-17 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_Impfdosis_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Impfschema_VS (Value Set)]]
=2019-04-13 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_section_Impfreaktion (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_xdummy (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_Antikoerper_Bestimmung (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_AntikoerperBestimmung (Template)]]
=2019-04-12 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[x_dummy (Template)]]
=2019-04-11 03:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_document_KompletterImmunisierungsstatus_alt (Template)]]
=2019-04-10 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_xdummy (Template)]]
=2019-04-09 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_other_TimeIntervalInformation (Template)]]
=2019-04-06 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-04-05 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_xdummy (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_document_UpdateImmunisierungsstatus (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_document_KompletterImmunisierungsstatus_alt (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_document_KompletterImmunisierungsstatus (Template)]]
=2019-04-04 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_xdummy (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_xdummy4 (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_xdummy3 (Template)]]
*[[x_dummy1 (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_Abrechenbarkeit (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_ParticipantBodyTranscriber (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_ParticipantBody (Template)]]
=2019-04-03 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_other_PersonNameCompilationG1 (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationNameCompilation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_PersonNameCompilationG2M (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AddressCompilationMinimal (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_PersonNameCompilationG1M (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungenKodiert (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_xdummy (Template)]]
=2019-04-02 03:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-03-29 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[eimpf_document_EintragImmunstatus (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_document_KompletterImmunstatus (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_PersonNameInformationCompilationG1 (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_ParticipantEinweisenderZuweisenderUeberweisenderArzt (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_ParticipantAuskunftsberechtigtePersonNotfallkontakt (Template)]]
=2019-03-28 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_other_AddressInformationCompilationMinimal (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AddressInformationCompilation (Template)]]
=2019-03-27 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_header_ParticipantZuweiser (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_Data_Enterer (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_Information_Recipient (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_ParticipantAngehoerige (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_ParticipantBetreuungsorganisation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_ParticipantNotfallkontakt (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_ParticipantVersicherung (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_ParticipantWeitereBehandler (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_ParticipantHausarzt (Template)]]
=2019-03-26 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_header_DocumentReplacementRelatedDocument (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationWithIdNameTelAddr (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationWithIdName (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_EncounterLocation1 (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_ComponentOfEncompassingEncounter (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_ParticipantFachlicherAnsprechpartner (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_Authorization (Template)]]
=2019-03-22 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_header_RelatedDocument (Template)]]
=2019-03-21 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-03-20 04:01:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-03-19 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_header_DocumentCode (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_DocumentConfidentialityCode (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_DocumentationOfServiceEvent (Template)]]
=2019-03-15 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_header_DocumentId (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityCompilationNameAddrTelecom (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AddressInformationCompilation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_dummy3 (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_dummy (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_ConfidentialityCode (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationNameInformation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_DocumentRealm (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_DocumentSetIdAndVersionNumber (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_DocumentLanguage (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_InFulfillmentOf (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_dlt_CDAAllgemeinerLeitfaden (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameTelecomAddr (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_DocumentEffectiveTime (Template)]]
=2019-03-14 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-03-12 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_other_PersonNameInformationCompilationGS1 (Template)]]
=2019-03-08 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_header_EncounterLocation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_EncompassingEncounter (Template)]]
=2019-03-05 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_header_LegalAuthenticator (Template)]]
*[[ atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntity (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_Authenticator (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_Person (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_Organization (Template)]]
=2019-03-01 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[tgd_medicalDevices_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[tgd_entry_DeviceInformationOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[tgd_section_aktiveMedizinprodukte (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AddressInformationCompilation_GS2 (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AddressInformationCompilationGS3 (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_section_FruehereErkrankungKodiert (Template)]]
=2019-02-28 04:01:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2019-02-26 15:41:30=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[atcdabbr_header_Author (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_FirstCdaElements (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityCompilationGlnName (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityCompilationId (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AuthorCompilationWithName (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_PersonNameInformationCompilation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecom (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityCompilationGlnNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationGlnName (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_Problem (Template)]]
*[[atcdabrr_entry_SimpleObservation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationWithName (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_Custodian (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_entry_ProblemConcern (Template)]]
*[[atcdabrr_section_FruehereErkrankungKodiert (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_header_RecordTarget (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_DeviceCompilationWithName (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AuthorCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityCompilationNameAddrTelecom (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OriginalTextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AssignedEntityCompilationIdNameAddrTelecomPersonOrganization (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationWithNameAddrTelecom (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_AddressInformationCompilation (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_PerformerBody (Template)]]
*[[atcdabbr_other_OrganizationCompilationIdNameAddrTelecom (Template)]]
=2019-02-09 03:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[elga_other_InformantBody (Template)]]
*[[elga_entry_Anmerkung (Template)]]
*[[elga_other_AuthorBody (Template)]]
=2019-02-01 03:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_AlcoholConsumption (Value Set)]]
*[[eimpf_entry_PerformerBody (Template)]]
*[[WeitereInformationen_SUB (Template)]]
*[[Beeintraechtigungen_SUB (Template)]]
*[[elga_entry_PerformerBody (Template)]]
*[[LebensstilTabakkonsumNominalEntry (Template)]]
*[[Willenserklaerungen_SUB (Template)]]
*[[LebensstilAlkoholkonsumNominalEntry (Template)]]
=2019-01-18 12:36:47=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[elga_eimpf_Abrechenbarkeit_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[eimpf_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungen_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[eimpf_entry_ImpfrelevanteErkrankung (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_entry_Abrechenbarkeit (Template)]]
*[[elga_entry_PerformerBody (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_document_AktualisierungImpfstatus (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_section_ImpfrelevanteErkrankungenKodiert (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_entry_ProblemBedenken (Template)]]
*[[dummy (Template)]]
*[[eimpf_document_KompletterImpfstatus (Template)]]
*[[elga_entry_SimpleObservation (Template)]]
*[[elga_entry_Problem (Template)]]
*[[elga_entry_ProblemBedenken (Template)]]
*[[elga_section_FruehereErkrankungKodiert (Template)]]
*[[elga_other_TextElementWithReferenceToNarrativeText (Template)]]
*[[elga_other_OriginalTextReference (Template)]]
*[[elga_entry_AuthorBody (Template)]]
*[[elga_section_ImpfempfehlungenKodiert (Template)]]
*[[elga_section_ImpfungenKodiert (Template)]]
*[[elga_entry_Impfung (Template)]]
=2018-12-26 03:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[EmpfohleneMaßnahmen (Template)]]
*[[EmpfohleneMassnahmen1 (Template)]]
*[[DurchgefuehrteMaßnahmen_AEB (Template)]]
=2018-12-02 16:32:57=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[KoerperlicheUntersuchung (Template)]]
*[[EmpfohleneMassnahmen (Template)]]
*[[Konsultations-oderUeberweisungsgrund (Template)]]
*[[ProblemEntryGesundheitsproblem (Template)]]
*[[EmpfohleneMassnahmen1 (Template)]]
*[[DurchgefuehrteMassnahmen_AB (Template)]]
*[[MedikationslistenSection_Freitext (Template)]]
*[[BestehendeMedikation (Template)]]
*[[KonsultationsgrundEntry (Template)]]
*[[EmpfohleneMedikationFull_AB (Template)]]
*[[KonsultationsgrundProblemEntry (Template)]]
*[[SozialeUmstaendeUndVerhalten_PS_Sub (Template)]]
*[[FunctionalStatusEntry (Template)]]
*[[Uebersetzung (Template)]]
=2018-11-08 03:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[VorbekannteErkrankungenUndGesundheitsprobleme (Template)]]
*[[Befunde (Template)]]
*[[Vorbefunde1 (Template)]]
=2018-11-07 03:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-11-06 03:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-11-03 03:41:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[PerformerBodyPS (Template)]]
=2018-11-01 03:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[KörperlicheUntersuchung (Template)]]
*[[Befunde (Template)]]
*[[FachspezifischeDiagnostik (Template)]]
*[[DurchgefuehrteMassnahmen_ÄB (Template)]]
=2018-10-31 03:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ZusammenfassendeBeurteilung (Template)]]
*[[EmpfohleneMaßnahmen (Template)]]
*[[EmpfohleneMaßnahmen1 (Template)]]
*[[EmpfohleneMedikationFull_ÄB (Template)]]
=2018-10-26 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[VorbekannteErkrankungenUndGesundheitsprobleme (Template)]]
*[[WichtigeHinweise (Template)]]
=2018-10-19 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Dekurs (Template)]]
*[[Vorbefunde1 (Template)]]
*[[ELGAEncounterEntry (Template)]]
*[[ELGAMedicationStatement (Template)]]
=2018-10-18 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Konsultations-oderÜberweisungsgrund (Template)]]
*[[Dekurs (Template)]]
*[[Anamnese (Template)]]
*[[Vorbefunde (Template)]]
*[[KonsultUeberweisungsgrund (Template)]]
=2018-09-28 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-09-21 02:41:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-09-16 02:41:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-09-08 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-09-03 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-09-01 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-08-27 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-08-24 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ProblemEntryAllergyReaction (Template)]]
=2018-08-22 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-08-15 02:41:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegesituationsberichtdocument (Template)]]
*[[Pflegesituationsbericht (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer2 (Template)]]
=2018-08-11 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-08-10 02:41:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
*[[ErgebnisseFull (Template)]]
*[[ErgebnisseAlleEIS (Template)]]
*[[SubSection (Template)]]
*[[TGDBefund (Template)]]
*[[MedikationVerordnungEntryTGD (Template)]]
*[[Beobachtung (Template)]]
*[[FeedbackNotizen (Template)]]
*[[ErgebnisEntry (Template)]]
*[[ZusammenfassungBehandlung (Template)]]
*[[ErgebnisseGruppeEntry (Template)]]
*[[BodySubSection (Template)]]
*[[ZusammenfassungderBehandlung (Template)]]
*[[BehandlungsgrundVorgang (Template)]]
*[[BehandlungsgrundundVorgang (Template)]]
=2018-07-24 17:51:52=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-15 03:16:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-15 03:16:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-14 03:22:10=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-14 03:22:10=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-13 03:05:33=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-13 03:05:33=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-12 03:11:46=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-12 03:11:46=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-11 03:10:58=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-11 03:10:58=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-10 03:28:57=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-10 03:28:57=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-09 03:01:53=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-09 03:01:53=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-08 03:14:16=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-08 03:14:16=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-07 03:01:48=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-07 03:01:48=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-05 03:02:13=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-05 03:02:13=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-07-05 03:02:13=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-04 03:04:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-04 03:04:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-03 03:04:43=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-03 03:04:43=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-07-03 03:04:43=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-02 03:05:24=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-02 03:05:24=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-01 03:25:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-07-01 03:25:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-30 03:19:22=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-30 03:19:22=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-29 03:05:40=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-29 03:05:40=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-28 03:02:54=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-28 03:02:54=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-27 03:03:18=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-27 03:03:18=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-26 03:05:03=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-26 03:05:03=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-25 03:05:53=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-25 03:05:53=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-24 03:08:11=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-24 03:08:11=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-23 03:13:44=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-23 03:13:44=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-22 03:26:40=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-22 03:26:40=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-20 03:14:55=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-20 03:14:55=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-06-20 03:14:55=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-18 03:00:49=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-18 03:00:49=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-17 03:16:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-17 03:16:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-16 03:01:37=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-16 03:01:37=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-15 03:04:48=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-15 03:04:48=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-14 03:10:24=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-14 03:10:24=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-13 03:04:04=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-06-13 03:04:04=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-06-13 03:04:04=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-05-11 03:10:40=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-11 03:10:40=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-10 03:02:34=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-10 03:02:34=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-09 03:19:57=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-09 03:19:57=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-08 03:03:08=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-08 03:03:08=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-07 03:05:15=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-07 03:05:15=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-06 03:20:00=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-06 03:20:00=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-05 03:04:15=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-05 03:04:15=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-04 03:03:33=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-04 03:03:33=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-03 03:06:46=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-03 03:06:46=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-02 03:02:46=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-02 03:02:46=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-01 03:02:48=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-05-01 03:02:48=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-30 03:05:50=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-30 03:05:50=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-29 03:08:12=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-29 03:08:12=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-28 03:05:00=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-28 03:05:00=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-27 03:05:08=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-27 03:05:08=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-26 02:47:03=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-26 02:47:03=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-25 02:47:18=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-25 02:47:18=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-04-25 02:47:18=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-24 14:56:58=
List of changed objects for elga:
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-24 14:56:58=
List of changed objects for elga:
=2018-04-24 14:56:58=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-04-24 02:47:58=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-24 02:44:02=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-24 02:30:19=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-23 02:48:42=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-23 02:44:37=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-23 02:31:58=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-22 02:50:06=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-22 02:46:09=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-22 02:33:52=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-21 02:46:19=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-21 02:42:45=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-21 02:30:31=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-20 02:48:09=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-20 02:44:14=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-20 02:30:39=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-19 02:50:15=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-19 02:46:30=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-19 02:34:12=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-18 03:23:24=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-18 03:19:59=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-18 03:08:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-17 03:15:51=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-17 03:12:40=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-17 03:00:07=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-16 03:11:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-16 03:08:40=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-16 03:01:56=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-15 03:16:44=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-15 03:14:16=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-15 03:06:46=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-14 03:37:25=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-14 03:34:35=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-14 03:25:28=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-13 03:18:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-13 03:15:48=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-13 03:08:04=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-12 03:19:03=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-12 03:17:00=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-12 03:10:03=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-11 03:15:58=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-11 03:14:06=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-11 03:07:26=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-10 03:14:27=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-10 03:12:29=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-10 03:06:26=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-09 03:07:38=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-09 03:05:32=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-09 02:59:31=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-08 03:08:46=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-08 03:06:00=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-08 02:59:38=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-07 03:06:59=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-07 03:04:18=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-07 02:58:21=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-06 03:06:55=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-06 03:04:54=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-06 02:59:12=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-05 03:11:47=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-04-05 03:09:45=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-04-05 03:03:55=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-30 09:41:17=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-30 09:33:22=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2018-03-21 03:56:45=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-21 03:54:12=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-21 03:44:21=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-20 03:59:04=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-20 03:56:17=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-20 03:46:25=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-19 03:58:45=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-19 03:56:05=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-19 03:46:18=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-18 04:01:12=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-18 03:58:03=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-18 03:48:08=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-17 04:04:20=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-17 04:01:30=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-17 03:50:49=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-16 04:01:39=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-16 03:58:50=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-16 03:48:00=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-15 04:00:34=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-15 03:58:03=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-15 03:48:49=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-14 03:58:15=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-14 03:55:31=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-14 03:45:52=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-13 04:02:21=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-13 03:59:41=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-13 03:50:08=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-12 03:59:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-12 03:56:24=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-12 03:46:36=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-11 03:59:54=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-11 03:57:32=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-11 03:50:37=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-10 03:58:59=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
=2018-03-10 03:56:46=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-03-10 03:49:49=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-08 03:55:42=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-08 03:43:50=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-07 03:58:35=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-07 03:47:04=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-06 03:54:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-06 03:42:20=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-05 03:53:37=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-05 03:44:15=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-04 03:59:36=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-04 03:50:33=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-03 03:57:21=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-03 03:48:27=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-02 03:51:55=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-02 03:41:48=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-01 03:54:33=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-03-01 03:43:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-28 03:57:13=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-28 03:44:55=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-27 03:56:00=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-27 03:44:09=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-26 03:52:59=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-26 03:41:20=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-25 03:54:48=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-25 03:43:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-24 03:51:55=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-24 03:40:20=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-23 03:54:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-23 03:41:26=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-22 03:51:58=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-22 03:40:27=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-21 03:53:50=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-21 03:42:31=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-20 03:53:55=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-20 03:42:14=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-19 03:52:41=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-19 03:41:01=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-18 03:54:35=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-18 03:43:03=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-17 03:51:39=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-17 03:40:09=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-16 03:54:45=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-16 03:42:52=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-15 03:52:08=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-15 03:40:30=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-14 03:51:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-14 03:39:40=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-13 03:54:54=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-13 03:43:32=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-12 03:54:54=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-12 03:43:13=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-11 03:53:56=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-11 03:42:23=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-10 03:52:16=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-10 03:40:55=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-09 03:53:30=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-09 03:41:36=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-08 03:52:05=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-08 03:40:22=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-07 03:50:44=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-07 03:39:22=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-06 03:51:39=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-06 03:39:17=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-05 03:39:10=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-05 03:26:48=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-04 03:39:14=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-04 03:27:28=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-03 03:38:16=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-03 03:26:32=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-02 03:39:15=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-02 03:27:26=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-01 03:41:25=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-02-01 03:29:04=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-31 03:38:00=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-31 03:26:45=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-30 03:37:48=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-30 03:26:26=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-29 03:34:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-29 03:26:29=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-28 03:35:21=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-28 03:27:31=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-27 03:33:25=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-27 03:25:19=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-26 03:35:23=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-26 03:27:21=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-25 03:36:19=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-25 03:26:30=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-24 03:39:18=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-24 03:27:24=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-23 03:39:28=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-23 03:27:55=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-22 03:40:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-22 03:28:45=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-21 03:38:51=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-21 03:27:11=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-20 03:38:18=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-20 03:26:59=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-19 03:35:31=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_Sections_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-19 03:26:55=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[ELGA_MedikationMengenart_VS (Value Set)]]
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-18 03:39:03=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-18 03:27:59=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-17 03:38:04=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-17 03:27:15=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-16 03:37:52=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-16 03:26:59=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-15 03:38:50=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-15 03:27:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-14 03:38:53=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-14 03:27:34=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-13 03:38:42=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-13 03:27:24=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-12 10:24:59=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-12 10:21:58=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-01-12 10:14:11=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2018-01-10 12:22:14=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2018-01-10 08:05:00=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-10 07:40:58=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-01-07 03:39:18=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-07 03:36:58=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-01-07 03:27:43=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-06 03:38:30=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-06 03:36:01=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-01-06 03:27:03=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-05 03:37:49=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-05 03:35:22=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-01-05 03:26:22=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-04 03:38:29=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-04 03:35:43=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-01-04 03:26:13=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-03 03:37:44=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-03 03:34:55=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2018-01-03 03:25:59=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-02 03:36:59=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-02 03:26:01=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-01 03:37:31=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2018-01-01 03:26:22=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-31 03:38:10=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-31 03:26:45=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-30 03:38:46=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-30 03:27:45=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-29 03:37:24=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-29 03:26:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-28 03:36:49=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-28 03:26:01=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-27 03:37:03=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-27 03:26:10=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-26 03:37:41=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-26 03:26:34=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-25 03:37:39=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-25 03:26:49=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-24 03:37:56=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-24 03:27:00=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-23 03:37:46=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-23 03:26:39=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-22 03:37:21=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-22 03:26:23=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-21 03:37:39=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-21 03:26:28=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-20 03:37:36=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-20 03:26:53=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-19 03:36:53=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-19 03:26:05=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-18 03:43:57=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-18 03:41:19=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-12-18 03:30:36=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-17 03:37:27=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-17 03:26:26=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-16 03:37:13=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-16 03:26:26=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-15 03:36:58=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-15 03:26:19=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-14 03:36:58=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-14 03:34:33=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-12-14 03:25:54=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-13 03:36:40=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-13 03:25:49=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-12 03:37:29=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-12 03:26:20=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-11 03:37:52=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-11 03:35:04=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-12-11 03:26:28=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-10 03:37:03=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-10 03:34:36=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-12-10 03:25:41=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-09 03:37:05=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-09 03:25:58=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-08 03:36:28=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-08 03:25:17=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-07 03:36:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-07 03:33:49=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-12-07 03:25:22=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-06 03:35:44=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-06 03:33:26=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-12-06 03:25:55=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-05 03:35:29=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-05 03:33:23=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-12-05 03:25:30=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-04 03:35:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-04 03:25:22=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-03 03:35:36=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-03 03:33:35=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-12-03 03:25:55=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-02 03:36:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-02 03:33:56=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-12-02 03:25:58=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-01 03:35:21=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-12-01 03:33:16=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-12-01 03:25:25=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-30 03:37:11=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-30 03:34:14=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-11-30 03:25:29=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-29 03:39:12=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-29 03:27:11=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-28 03:37:22=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-28 03:34:48=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[MedikationslistenSection_PS (Template)]]
*[[SozialeUmstaendeUndVerhalten_PS (Template)]]
=2017-11-28 03:26:20=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-27 03:35:46=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-27 03:33:40=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-11-27 03:25:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-26 03:36:36=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-26 03:26:47=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-25 03:37:28=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-25 03:26:42=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-24 03:36:51=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-24 03:34:41=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-11-24 03:25:53=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-23 11:38:16=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-23 11:35:28=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-11-23 11:23:48=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-11-23 10:15:53=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-11-23 10:06:46=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-23 03:44:08=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-23 03:41:14=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-11-23 03:27:59=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-22 03:36:25=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-22 03:25:54=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-21 03:38:12=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-21 03:36:06=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-11-21 03:27:20=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-20 03:36:23=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-20 03:26:07=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-19 03:35:44=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-19 03:25:10=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-18 03:35:00=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-18 03:24:35=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-17 03:35:46=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-17 03:25:06=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-16 03:34:55=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-16 03:24:44=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-15 03:35:37=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-15 03:25:27=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-14 03:32:30=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-14 03:31:04=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-11-14 03:25:04=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-13 03:35:38=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-13 03:25:04=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-12 03:40:08=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-12 03:37:43=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-11-12 03:27:23=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-11 03:39:47=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-11 03:28:25=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-10 03:40:11=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-10 03:37:56=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-11-10 03:29:34=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-09 03:37:57=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-09 03:35:50=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-11-09 03:27:18=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-08 03:37:23=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-08 03:27:07=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-07 03:37:30=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-07 03:26:42=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-06 03:39:42=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-06 03:36:52=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[DurchgefuehrteEingriffe (Template)]]
*[[GesundheitsproblemeRisiken (Template)]]
*[[AllergyStatusObservation (Template)]]
*[[ProblemEntryGesundheitsproblem (Template)]]
*[[Schwangerschaften (Template)]]
*[[ELGA_ResultObservation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeiten (Template)]]
*[[Beeintraechtigungen (Template)]]
*[[LebensstilTabakkonsumEntry (Template)]]
*[[DiagnostischeResultate (Template)]]
*[[GesundheitsproblemBedenkenEntry (Template)]]
*[[LebensstilAlkoholkonsumEntry (Template)]]
*[[Lebensstil (Template)]]
*[[WeitereInformationen (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenEntry (Template)]]
=2017-11-06 03:28:01=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-05 03:37:25=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-05 03:35:24=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-11-05 03:26:59=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-04 03:38:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-04 03:36:03=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-11-04 03:27:39=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-03 03:36:42=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-03 03:34:40=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-11-03 03:26:38=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-02 03:39:21=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-02 03:37:10=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-11-02 03:28:04=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-01 03:36:34=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-11-01 03:34:34=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-11-01 03:26:36=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-31 03:38:09=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-31 03:36:10=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-31 03:27:57=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-30 03:36:43=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-30 03:34:43=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-30 03:26:45=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-29 03:39:20=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-29 03:37:24=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-29 03:29:04=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-28 02:38:01=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-28 02:35:59=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-28 02:28:02=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-27 02:38:18=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-27 02:36:00=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-27 02:28:04=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-26 02:51:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-26 02:49:02=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-26 02:40:39=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-25 02:52:26=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-25 02:50:18=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-25 02:41:09=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-24 02:50:36=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-24 02:48:28=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-24 02:40:12=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-23 02:50:02=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-23 02:48:02=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-23 02:39:43=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-22 02:49:29=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-22 02:47:36=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-22 02:40:06=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-21 02:50:18=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-21 02:48:23=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-21 02:40:56=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-20 02:43:50=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-20 02:42:37=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-20 02:38:25=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-19 02:43:25=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-19 02:42:13=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-19 02:37:58=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-18 03:17:51=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_LaborparameterErgaenzung (Value Set)]]
*[[ActSubstanceAdministrationCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ServiceEventsLabor (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationRezeptart (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Sections (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_FormatCodeZusatz (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_NullFlavor (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Problemkataloge (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_URLScheme (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationAbgabekennz (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ServiceEventsEntlassbrief (Value Set)]]
*[[APPCLateralitaet (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ServiceEventsEntlassbr (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationArtAnwendung (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_LanguageCode (Value Set)]]
*[[APPCAnatomie (Value Set)]]
*[[APPC_Modalitaet (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_PracticeSetting (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_RoleClass (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ServiceEventPerformer (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_HealthcareFacilityTypeCode (Value Set)]]
*[[APPCModalitaet (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_SectionsEntlassungPflege (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationDarreichungsform (Value Set)]]
*[[ActEncounterCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ActPriority (Value Set)]]
*[[HL7LanguageAbilityMode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_FormatCode (Value Set)]]
*[[APPC_Anatomie (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Rollen (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_SectionsRadiologie (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_EntlassungsmanagementA (Value Set)]]
*[[ActRelationshipEntry (Value Set)]]
*[[APPCProzeduren (Value Set)]]
*[[APPC_Lateralitaet (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_TimingEvent (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_whoATC (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Confidentiality (Value Set)]]
*[[DocumentSubstanceMood (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Antibiotika (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ParticipationFunctionCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_SectionsEntlassungAerztl (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationRezeptpflichtstatus (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_EntlassungsmanagementArt (Value Set)]]
*[[ActStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_EntityNameUse (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_NoInformation (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_TelecomAddressUse (Value Set)]]
*[[APPC_Prozeduren (Value Set)]]
*[[DICOM_SOPClasses (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ProblemStatusCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_EntityNamePartQualifier (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_SectionsPflegeSitber (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_KulturErregernachweis (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AddressUse (Value Set)]]
*[[HL7ProficiencyLevelCode (Value Set)]]
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[StudyAct (Template)]]
*[[HeaderParticipants (Template)]]
*[[ProblemBedenkenEntry (Template)]]
*[[BefundBildgebendeDiagnostik (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[CDAAbgabe (Template)]]
*[[CDAEntlassbriefPflege (Template)]]
*[[eMedikationRezept (Template)]]
*[[CDAEntlassbriefAerztlich (Template)]]
*[[eMedikationMedikationsliste (Template)]]
*[[Laborbefund (Template)]]
*[[PharmazeutischeEmpfehlungSektion-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsbriefAerztlich (Template)]]
*[[MedikationVerordnungEntryemed-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[Annotation-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryResultVerifier (Template)]]
*[[EinzelEinnahmezeitpunkt (Template)]]
*[[SeriesAct (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsbriefPflege (Template)]]
*[[CDARezept (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryObservationOld (Template)]]
*[[eMedikationAbgabe (Template)]]
*[[DOCS (Template)]]
*[[MedikationslistenSection-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryBatteryOrganizer-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryIsolateOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[Addrparticletest (Template)]]
*[[AbgabeSection-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[NotifiableCondition-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[Pflegesituationsbericht (Template)]]
*[[eMedikationPharmazeutischeEmpfehlung (Template)]]
*[[Schlafen (Template)]]
*[[SopInstance (Template)]]
*[[BefundtextKodierung-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[CDAPharmazeutischeEmpfehlung (Template)]]
*[[RezeptSection-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[NotificationOrganizer-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[Nameparticletest (Template)]]
*[[MedikationAbgabeEntry (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[CDABildiag (Template)]]
*[[MedikationVerordnungEntry (Template)]]
*[[MedikationPharmazeutischeEmpfehlungEntry-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[CDAMedikationsliste (Template)]]
*[[Schluesselbilder (Template)]]
*[[CDALaborbefund (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
*[[MedikationAbgabeEntryemed-deprecated (Template)]]
=2017-10-18 03:15:39=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownImmunization  (Value Set)]]
*[[ ELGA_AllergyOrIntolerance (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Vaccines (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ProblemSeverity (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Problems (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownProcedures (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ConditionVerificationStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ProcedureTargetSite (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownMedication (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_CriticalityObservationValue (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Procedures (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_CurrentSmokingStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownDevices (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedicalDevices (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AllergyOrIntoleranceAgent (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ProceduresMethod (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ProcedureApproachSite (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AllergyStatusCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_InformantType (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ConditionStatusCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ExpectedDeliveryDateMethod (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AllergyReaction (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownAllergies (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_PregnanciesSummary (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownProblems (Value Set)]]
*[[ProblemStatusObservationEntry (Template)]]
*[[DurchgefuehrteMassnahmenPS (Template)]]
*[[ErwartetesGeburtsdatum (Template)]]
*[[SchwangerschaftsEntry (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[BisherigeSchwangerschaftenEntry (Template)]]
*[[AllergyStatusObservationEntry (Template)]]
*[[Gesundheitsproblem_abgeschlossen (Template)]]
*[[ProblemEntryAllergyReaction (Template)]]
*[[Schwangerschaft (Template)]]
*[[ELGAPatientSummary2 (Template)]]
*[[ELGA_Procedure (Template)]]
*[[AllergyProblemEntry (Template)]]
*[[ELGAMedicalDevice (Template)]]
*[[HeaderServiceEvent_PS (Template)]]
*[[ELGA_ResultsOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[Implantate (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[Invaliditaet (Template)]]
*[[InformantBodyPS (Template)]]
*[[WeitereInformationen (Template)]]
*[[FruehereErkrankungen_PS (Template)]]
*[[ELGAExternalDocument (Template)]]
*[[BlutgruppeEntry (Template)]]
*[[ProblemEntryPS (Template)]]
*[[ELGA_ResultObservation (Template)]]
*[[Willenserklaerungen (Template)]]
*[[Impfstoff (Template)]]
*[[SozialanamneseObservation (Template)]]
*[[HeaderCommonsPS (Template)]]
*[[SeverityObservation (Template)]]
*[[AuthorBody_PS (Template)]]
*[[Bluttgruppe (Template)]]
*[[Gesundheitsproblem_bestehend2 (Template)]]
*[[Impfungsentry (Template)]]
*[[SocialHistoryAlcoholUse (Template)]]
*[[HeaderAuthorPS (Template)]]
*[[CertaintyObservation (Template)]]
*[[PlayingEnttityAllergy (Template)]]
*[[HeaderRecordTarget-PS (Template)]]
*[[GDAListe (Template)]]
*[[SozialanamnesePS (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenEntry2 (Template)]]
*[[Impfungen (Template)]]
*[[ProblemEntryAllergy_Reaction (Template)]]
*[[ParticipantAllergy (Template)]]
*[[CriticalityObservation (Template)]]
=2017-10-18 03:07:45=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[ELGA_Seitenlokalisation (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_HumanLanguage (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_HumanActSite (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationPharmazeutischeEmpfehlungStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ActCode_PatInfo (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationMengenartAlternativ (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ActEncounterCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Laborparameter (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Dokumentenklassen (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Diagnosesicherheit (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_RealmCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_LanguageAbilityMode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationMengenart (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ActCode_AbgInfo (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Einnahmezeitpunkte (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Medientyp (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MaritalStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ReligiousAffiliation (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ObservationInterpretation (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_SpecimenType (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Dosisparameter (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationTherapieArt (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_InsuredAssocEntity (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ProficiencyLevelCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Vitalparameterarten (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Problemarten (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationAbgabeArt (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_PersonalRelationship (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationFrequenz (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_SignificantPathogens (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MammogramAssessment (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AuthorSpeciality (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Laborstruktur (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AdministrativeGender (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_InformationRecipientType (Value Set)]]
*[[MedikationPharmazeutischeEmpfehlungEntry (Template)]]
*[[CDeffectiveTime (Template)]]
*[[Splitdose2 (Template)]]
*[[CDlanguageCode (Template)]]
*[[AnamneseBildgebendeDiagnostik (Template)]]
*[[AuszuegeBefunde (Template)]]
*[[ELGACDAAlleDokumente (Template)]]
*[[MedikationEinweisungAlleEIS (Template)]]
*[[BeigelegteBefunde (Template)]]
*[[KlassifikationBIRADS (Template)]]
*[[KulturellerKeimnachweis (Template)]]
*[[Addendum (Template)]]
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[Brieftext (Template)]]
*[[PersonElements (Template)]]
*[[SpezimenActEntryAllgemein (Template)]]
*[[Ernaehrung (Template)]]
*[[Ueberweisungsgrund (Template)]]
*[[HeaderInformationRecipient (Template)]]
*[[AbschliessendeBemerkung (Template)]]
*[[HeaderParticipantAngehoerige (Template)]]
*[[DurchgefuehrteMassnahmen (Template)]]
*[[SozialeUmstaendeUndVerhalten (Template)]]
*[[LetzteMedikation (Template)]]
*[[HeaderParticipantHausarzt (Template)]]
*[[FruehereErkrankungen (Template)]]
*[[PflegeBetreuungsdiagnoseEntry (Template)]]
*[[HeaderServiceEvent (Template)]]
*[[HeaderRecordTarget (Template)]]
*[[NotifiableCondition (Template)]]
*[[PharmacistInstructions (Template)]]
*[[Anmerkungen (Template)]]
*[[Verdachtsdiagnose (Template)]]
*[[Annotation (Template)]]
*[[Schmerz (Template)]]
*[[Atmung (Template)]]
*[[HeaderRelatedDocument (Template)]]
*[[LogoEntry (Template)]]
*[[PharmazeutischeEmpfehlungSektion (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[ArzneiEntry (Template)]]
*[[Befund (Template)]]
*[[Strahlenexpositionentry (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung1 (Template)]]
*[[AusstehendeBefunde (Template)]]
*[[VitalparameterFull (Template)]]
*[[Komplikationen (Template)]]
*[[EingebettetesObjektEntry (Template)]]
*[[Einnahmedauer (Template)]]
*[[EmpfohleneMedikationFull (Template)]]
*[[Rehabilitationsziele (Template)]]
*[[Befunde (Template)]]
*[[Risiken (Template)]]
*[[Kommunikation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryReportCommentSection (Template)]]
*[[KoerperpflegeKleiden (Template)]]
*[[MedikationslistenSection (Template)]]
*[[AktuelleUntersuchung (Template)]]
*[[OPBericht (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung3er (Template)]]
*[[AlteredDosageInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
*[[HeaderRecordTargetPflege (Template)]]
*[[HeaderCustodian (Template)]]
*[[NotificationOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[Aufenthaltszusammenfassung (Template)]]
*[[EmpfohleneMedikationAlleEIS (Template)]]
*[[Pflegerelevanteinformationenzurmedizinischenbehandlung (Template)]]
*[[BodySection (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[SpecimenCollection (Template)]]
*[[HeaderParticipantAnsprechpartner (Template)]]
*[[ProblemEntry (Template)]]
*[[Entlassungszustand (Template)]]
*[[AssignedEntityElements (Template)]]
*[[Beilagen (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung2er (Template)]]
*[[LaboratorySpecimenEntry (Template)]]
*[[OrientierungBewusstseinslage (Template)]]
*[[MedikationAufenthalt (Template)]]
*[[FirstCDAHeaderElements (Template)]]
*[[HeaderDataEnterer (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsmanagementEnhanced (Template)]]
*[[MedikationVerordnungEntryemed (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung2 (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung2dq (Template)]]
*[[Sbadmtemplateidoptions (Template)]]
*[[CDconfidentialityCode (Template)]]
*[[Splitdose1 (Template)]]
*[[CDsetIdversionNumber (Template)]]
*[[Anforderung (Template)]]
*[[ZusammenfassungErgebnis (Template)]]
*[[Antibiogram (Template)]]
*[[HeaderParticipantNotfallkontakt (Template)]]
*[[EmpfohleneMedikationEnhanced (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung4dq (Template)]]
*[[MedikationVerordnungEntryPatientNotOnSelfMedication (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung4er (Template)]]
*[[HeaderAuthor (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryObservationActive (Template)]]
*[[Empfehlung (Template)]]
*[[SpezimenSection (Template)]]
*[[Schlaf (Template)]]
*[[Mobilitaet (Template)]]
*[[Iddescontainers (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[SpecialitySection (Template)]]
*[[AbgabeSection (Template)]]
*[[PatientenStatusAngaben (Template)]]
*[[HeaderParticipantRefArzt (Template)]]
*[[AnamneseAerztlich (Template)]]
*[[BefundtextKodierung (Template)]]
*[[MikroskopieSektion (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung3 (Template)]]
*[[RisikenHilfsmittelRessourcen (Template)]]
*[[PatientInstructions (Template)]]
*[[Patientenverfuegung (Template)]]
*[[HeaderEncompassingEncounter (Template)]]
*[[HeaderAuthenticator (Template)]]
*[[Hautzustand (Template)]]
*[[OutcomeMeasurement (Template)]]
*[[HilfsmittelRessourcen (Template)]]
*[[Aufnahmegrund (Template)]]
*[[FruehereBefunde (Template)]]
*[[EncounterLocation (Template)]]
*[[FruehereUntersuchungen (Template)]]
*[[EmpfohleneAnordnungenPflege (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung4 (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung1er (Template)]]
*[[WeitereMassnahmen (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung3dq (Template)]]
*[[VitalparameterEntry (Template)]]
*[[HeaderParticipantVersicherung (Template)]]
*[[Therapieart (Template)]]
*[[Medikamentenverabreichung (Template)]]
*[[RezeptSection (Template)]]
*[[HeaderLegalAuthenticator (Template)]]
*[[HeaderParticipantConsultant (Template)]]
*[[PflegeBetreuungsdiagnosenFull (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsmanagementAlleEIS (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseAlleEIS (Template)]]
*[[RollenwahrnehmungSinnfindung (Template)]]
*[[MedikationVerordnungEntryNoDrugTherapy (Template)]]
*[[MultimediaContent (Template)]]
*[[Dosierung1dq (Template)]]
*[[Indikation (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseEnhanced (Template)]]
*[[HeaderAuthorization (Template)]]
*[[HeaderInFulfillmentOf (Template)]]
*[[LanguageCommunication (Template)]]
*[[VitalparameterAlleEIS (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryObservation (Template)]]
*[[OrganizationElements (Template)]]
*[[Ausscheidung (Template)]]
*[[HeaderParticipantBetreuorg (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseEntry (Template)]]
*[[VitalparameterEnhanced (Template)]]
*[[AuthorElements (Template)]]
*[[MedikationAbgabeEntryemed (Template)]]
*[[PflegeBetreuungsdiagnosenAlleEIS (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryBatteryOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[EncounterLocation2 (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsmanagementEntry (Template)]]
*[[BisherigeMassnahmen (Template)]]
*[[Schlussfolgerung (Template)]]
*[[IHEOrderingProvider (Template)]]
*[[MedikationEinweisungFull (Template)]]
*[[VitalparameterGruppeEntry (Template)]]
*[[TermineKontrollenWiederbestellung (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsmanagementFull (Template)]]
*[[PflegeBetreuungsdiagnosenEnhanced (Template)]]
*[[MedikationEinweisungEnhanced (Template)]]
*[[SpecimenReceived (Template)]]
=2017-10-01 02:33:32=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-10-01 02:32:41=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-10-01 02:28:53=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-30 02:33:14=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-30 02:32:20=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-30 02:28:32=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-29 02:34:11=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-29 02:33:09=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-29 02:29:14=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-28 02:37:43=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-28 02:36:20=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-28 02:31:56=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-27 02:33:57=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-27 02:33:00=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-27 02:29:10=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-26 02:37:14=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-26 02:35:45=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-26 02:28:28=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-25 02:33:59=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-25 02:33:04=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-25 02:28:59=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-24 02:33:16=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-24 02:32:25=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-24 02:28:35=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-23 02:33:05=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-23 02:32:15=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-23 02:28:41=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-22 02:33:07=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-22 02:32:18=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-22 02:28:40=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-21 02:33:11=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-21 02:32:21=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-21 02:28:33=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-20 02:33:49=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-20 02:32:59=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-20 02:29:18=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-19 02:34:50=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-19 02:33:38=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-19 02:28:29=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
=2017-09-18 11:08:44=
List of changed objects for elga:
*[[ELGA_LaborparameterErgaenzung (Value Set)]]
*[[ActSubstanceAdministrationCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ServiceEventsLabor (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationRezeptart (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Sections (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_FormatCodeZusatz (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_NullFlavor (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Problemkataloge (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_URLScheme (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationAbgabekennz (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ServiceEventsEntlassbrief (Value Set)]]
*[[APPCLateralitaet (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ServiceEventsEntlassbr (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationArtAnwendung (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_LanguageCode (Value Set)]]
*[[APPCAnatomie (Value Set)]]
*[[APPC_Modalitaet (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_PracticeSetting (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_RoleClass (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ServiceEventPerformer (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_HealthcareFacilityTypeCode (Value Set)]]
*[[APPCModalitaet (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_SectionsEntlassungPflege (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationDarreichungsform (Value Set)]]
*[[ActEncounterCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ActPriority (Value Set)]]
*[[HL7LanguageAbilityMode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_FormatCode (Value Set)]]
*[[APPC_Anatomie (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Rollen (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_SectionsRadiologie (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_EntlassungsmanagementA (Value Set)]]
*[[ActRelationshipEntry (Value Set)]]
*[[APPCProzeduren (Value Set)]]
*[[APPC_Lateralitaet (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_TimingEvent (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_whoATC (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Confidentiality (Value Set)]]
*[[DocumentSubstanceMood (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Antibiotika (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ParticipationFunctionCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_SectionsEntlassungAerztl (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedikationRezeptpflichtstatus (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_EntlassungsmanagementArt (Value Set)]]
*[[ActStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_EntityNameUse (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_NoInformation (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_TelecomAddressUse (Value Set)]]
*[[APPC_Prozeduren (Value Set)]]
*[[DICOM_SOPClasses (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ProblemStatusCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_EntityNamePartQualifier (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_SectionsPflegeSitber (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_KulturErregernachweis (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AddressUse (Value Set)]]
*[[HL7ProficiencyLevelCode (Value Set)]]
*[[Pflegeundbetreuungsumfang (Template)]]
*[[StudyAct (Template)]]
*[[HeaderParticipants (Template)]]
*[[ProblemBedenkenEntry (Template)]]
*[[BefundBildgebendeDiagnostik (Template)]]
*[[CDAAbgabe (Template)]]
*[[CDAEntlassbriefPflege (Template)]]
*[[eMedikationRezept (Template)]]
*[[CDAEntlassbriefAerztlich (Template)]]
*[[eMedikationMedikationsliste (Template)]]
*[[Laborbefund (Template)]]
*[[PharmazeutischeEmpfehlungSektion-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsbriefAerztlich (Template)]]
*[[MedikationVerordnungEntryemed-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[Annotation-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryResultVerifier (Template)]]
*[[EinzelEinnahmezeitpunkt (Template)]]
*[[SeriesAct (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsbriefPflege (Template)]]
*[[CDARezept (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryObservationOld (Template)]]
*[[eMedikationAbgabe (Template)]]
*[[DOCS (Template)]]
*[[MedikationslistenSection-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[AlteredSupplyInformation (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryBatteryOrganizer-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryIsolateOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[Addrparticletest (Template)]]
*[[AbgabeSection-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[NotifiableCondition-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[Pflegesituationsbericht (Template)]]
*[[eMedikationPharmazeutischeEmpfehlung (Template)]]
*[[Schlafen (Template)]]
*[[SopInstance (Template)]]
*[[BefundtextKodierung-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[CDAPharmazeutischeEmpfehlung (Template)]]
*[[RezeptSection-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[NotificationOrganizer-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[Nameparticletest (Template)]]
*[[MedikationAbgabeEntry (Template)]]
*[[CDABildiag (Template)]]
*[[MedikationVerordnungEntry (Template)]]
*[[MedikationPharmazeutischeEmpfehlungEntry-deprecated (Template)]]
*[[CDAMedikationsliste (Template)]]
*[[Schluesselbilder (Template)]]
*[[CDALaborbefund (Template)]]
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
*[[MedikationAbgabeEntryemed-deprecated (Template)]]
=2017-09-18 10:30:26=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-18 02:30:39=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[ELGA_CurrentSmokingStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[ELGA_ResultObservation (Template)]]
=2017-09-18 02:28:03=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-17 02:31:09=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-17 02:28:27=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-16 02:33:05=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-16 02:30:18=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-15 02:33:08=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-15 02:30:17=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-14 02:34:42=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-14 02:31:29=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-13 02:32:47=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-13 02:30:07=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-12 02:28:48=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-12 02:26:03=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-11 02:31:21=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-11 02:26:26=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-10 02:31:15=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[ELGA_ResultsOrganizer (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[SocialHistoryAlcoholUse (Template)]]
=2017-09-10 02:26:55=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-09 02:33:04=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-09 02:29:03=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-08 02:32:48=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownProcedures (Value Set)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[WeitereInformationen (Template)]]
*[[GDAListe (Template)]]
=2017-09-08 02:28:25=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-07 02:30:24=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownImmunization  (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Vaccines (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Problems (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ProcedureTargetSite (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownMedication (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_Procedures (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownDevices (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_MedicalDevices (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ProceduresMethod (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ProcedureApproachSite (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ConditionStatusCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ExpectedDeliveryDateMethod (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_PregnanciesSummary (Value Set)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-07 02:26:03=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-06 02:30:17=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-06 02:25:53=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-05 02:29:46=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-05 02:25:34=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-04 02:30:04=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-04 02:25:30=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-03 02:31:46=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-03 02:27:14=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-02 02:33:06=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-02 02:26:43=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[LaboratoryPerformer (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-09-01 02:29:07=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-09-01 02:25:00=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
* +++ page update failure
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-31 02:29:23=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-31 02:25:02=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-30 02:29:04=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-30 02:25:03=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-29 02:28:50=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-29 02:24:53=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-28 02:29:17=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-28 02:24:51=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-27 02:28:49=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-27 02:24:46=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-26 02:29:34=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-26 02:24:34=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-25 02:27:15=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-25 02:24:54=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-24 02:27:26=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[ErwartetesGeburtsdatum (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[BisherigeSchwangerschaftenEntry (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-24 02:24:57=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-23 02:28:14=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownProblems (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ProblemSeverity (Value Set)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-23 02:25:14=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-22 02:27:59=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-22 02:25:38=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-21 02:27:50=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[Impfstoff (Template)]]
*[[SeverityObservation (Template)]]
=2017-08-21 02:25:19=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-20 02:27:46=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-20 02:25:10=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-19 02:28:41=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-19 02:26:14=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-18 02:29:07=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-18 02:25:15=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-17 02:29:16=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-17 02:25:13=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-16 02:27:31=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[Willenserklaerungen (Template)]]
=2017-08-16 02:24:56=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-15 02:28:42=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-15 02:26:22=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-14 02:27:07=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[ProblemEntryPS (Template)]]
*[[HeaderCommonsPS (Template)]]
=2017-08-14 02:24:34=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-13 02:27:53=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-13 02:24:55=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-12 02:26:38=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-12 02:24:12=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-11 02:26:40=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[ ELGA_AllergyOrIntolerance (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AllergyReaction (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AllergyStatusCode (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AbsentOrUnknownAllergies (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_ConditionVerificationStatus (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_AllergyOrIntoleranceAgent (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_InformantType (Value Set)]]
*[[ELGA_CriticalityObservationValue (Value Set)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[InformantBodyPS (Template)]]
*[[CertaintyObservation (Template)]]
*[[CriticalityObservation (Template)]]
=2017-08-11 02:24:12=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-10 02:26:56=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[ELGAExternalDocument (Template)]]
=2017-08-10 02:24:27=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-09 02:26:42=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-09 02:24:09=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-08 02:26:04=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-08 02:23:44=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-07 02:26:31=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-07 02:24:14=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-06 02:26:33=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[AuthorBody_PS (Template)]]
=2017-08-06 02:24:12=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-05 02:26:55=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[Invaliditaet (Template)]]
*[[Willenserklärungen (Template)]]
=2017-08-05 02:24:41=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-04 02:26:26=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-04 02:24:09=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-03 02:26:41=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-03 02:24:21=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-02 02:26:31=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
* +++ page update failure
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-08-02 02:24:18=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-31 02:27:49=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
* +++ page update failure
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-31 02:23:57=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-30 02:31:40=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
* +++ page update failure
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-30 02:27:14=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-29 17:46:41=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
* +++ page update failure
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-29 17:42:40=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
* +++ page update failure
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-29 02:27:30=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-29 02:23:45=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-28 02:26:33=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-28 02:24:01=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-27 02:28:07=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-27 02:23:59=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-26 15:14:09=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-07-26 14:56:02=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-07-26 14:49:34=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-26 02:24:35=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
=2017-07-25 02:33:30=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-07-25 02:29:41=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-24 12:52:23=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-24 02:27:50=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-07-24 02:23:43=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-23 02:28:06=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-07-23 02:24:13=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-22 02:29:39=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-07-22 02:23:57=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-21 02:26:50=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-07-21 02:24:00=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-20 02:25:55=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-07-20 02:23:45=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-19 02:25:59=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-07-19 02:23:52=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-17 02:27:22=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-07-17 02:23:50=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-16 02:27:27=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-07-16 02:23:56=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-15 02:28:00=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
=2017-07-15 02:24:07=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
=2017-07-14 08:30:34=
List of changed objects for elgaps:
*[[ProblemEntryAllergyReaction (Template)]]
*[[AllergyStatusObservationEntry (Template)]]
*[[ProblemEntryAllergy_Reaction (Template)]]
*[[BlutgruppeEntry (Template)]]
*[[HeaderRecordTarget-PS (Template)]]
*[[HeaderAuthorPS (Template)]]
*[[ProblemStatusObservationEntry (Template)]]
*[[Schwangerschaft (Template)]]
*[[HeaderServiceEvent_PS (Template)]]
*[[AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)]]
*[[SchwangerschaftsEntry (Template)]]
*[[SozialanamneseObservation (Template)]]
*[[Impfungen (Template)]]
*[[ELGAPatientSummary2 (Template)]]
*[[SozialanamnesePS (Template)]]
*[[EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)]]
*[[Impfungsentry (Template)]]
*[[Bluttgruppe (Template)]]
=2017-07-14 02:24:07=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-13 09:39:03=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-13 02:25:36=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-12 02:24:47=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-11 02:23:59=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-10 02:23:41=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-09 02:23:34=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-08 02:24:12=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-07 02:24:28=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-06 02:29:01=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-05 02:23:33=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-04 02:23:37=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-03 02:23:36=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-02 02:23:19=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-07-01 02:23:20=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-30 02:24:28=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-29 02:33:06=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-28 02:27:41=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-27 02:27:51=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-26 02:23:19=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-25 09:42:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-16 08:07:02=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-16 02:23:12=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-15 02:27:42=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-14 02:23:04=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-13 02:25:58=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-12 02:23:08=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-11 02:22:42=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-10 02:22:41=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-08 02:22:39=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-07 02:22:44=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-06 02:22:33=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-05 02:22:54=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-04 02:23:08=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-03 02:22:36=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-02 02:22:33=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-06-01 02:23:45=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-31 02:22:06=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-30 02:22:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-29 02:22:20=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-28 02:22:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-27 02:22:02=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-26 02:22:28=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-25 02:22:36=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-24 02:22:12=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-23 02:22:39=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-22 02:22:03=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-21 02:22:07=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-20 02:22:13=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-19 02:22:14=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-18 02:22:21=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-17 02:22:17=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-16 10:58:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-16 02:21:46=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-15 09:46:22=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-15 02:22:07=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-14 02:25:26=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-12 02:21:17=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-10 02:20:58=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-09 14:14:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-09 02:21:07=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-08 02:21:20=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-07 02:21:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-06 02:21:12=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-05 02:21:27=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-04 02:21:10=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-03 02:21:36=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-02 02:22:32=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-05-01 02:21:00=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-30 02:21:15=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-29 02:21:40=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-28 02:22:18=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-27 02:22:54=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-26 02:23:48=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-25 02:21:10=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-24 02:21:05=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-23 02:21:35=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-22 02:21:22=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-21 02:21:18=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-20 02:22:23=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-19 02:21:33=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-18 02:21:03=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-17 20:05:07=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-17 19:46:52=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-17 02:13:46=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-16 02:13:50=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-15 02:13:48=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-14 02:13:36=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-13 21:35:21=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-13 03:44:40=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-12 03:11:02=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-11 03:23:18=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-10 03:08:46=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-09 03:08:37=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-08 03:15:48=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-07 03:15:38=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-06 03:12:42=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-05 03:12:53=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-04 03:17:47=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-03 03:15:41=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-02 03:16:19=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-04-01 03:15:35=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-31 03:06:27=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-30 03:15:40=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-29 03:23:12=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-28 02:24:10=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
*[[LanguageCommunication (Template)]]
=2017-03-27 02:22:56=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-26 02:23:00=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-25 03:26:23=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-24 03:22:53=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-23 03:22:43=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-22 03:24:26=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-21 03:45:18=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-20 04:05:36=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-19 03:58:01=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-18 03:58:30=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-17 04:03:29=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-16 03:56:35=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-15 03:56:05=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-14 03:54:44=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-13 03:51:54=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-12 03:49:58=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-11 03:53:29=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-10 04:02:25=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-09 03:43:43=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-08 11:17:04=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-08 03:46:49=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-06 03:45:11=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-05 03:44:16=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-04 04:08:29=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-03 03:46:28=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
=2017-03-02 03:47:24=
=2017-03-02 03:47:24=
List of changed objects for elgabbr:
List of changed objects for elgabbr:

Aktuelle Version vom 1. Juni 2020, 21:41 Uhr


1 2020-06-01 18:52:36

List of changed objects for elga:

2 2020-05-20 19:34:51

List of changed objects for elga:

3 2020-04-09 19:46:58

List of changed objects for elga:

4 2020-03-29 13:52:19

List of changed objects for elga:

5 2020-03-10 17:34:16

List of changed objects for elga:

6 2020-02-20 14:51:50

List of changed objects for elga:

7 2020-02-01 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

8 2020-01-27 11:27:27

List of changed objects for elga:

9 2020-01-25 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

10 2020-01-23 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

11 2020-01-22 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

12 2020-01-21 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

13 2020-01-18 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

14 2020-01-15 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

15 2020-01-11 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

16 2020-01-10 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

17 2020-01-09 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

18 2020-01-08 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

19 2020-01-06 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

20 2019-12-20 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

21 2019-12-18 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

22 2019-12-17 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

23 2019-12-14 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

24 2019-12-13 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

25 2019-12-12 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

26 2019-12-11 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

27 2019-12-10 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

28 2019-12-07 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

29 2019-12-06 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

30 2019-12-04 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

31 2019-12-03 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

32 2019-11-30 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

33 2019-11-29 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

34 2019-11-28 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

35 2019-11-27 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

36 2019-11-26 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

37 2019-11-23 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

38 2019-11-22 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

39 2019-11-19 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

40 2019-11-18 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

41 2019-11-17 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

42 2019-11-15 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

43 2019-11-14 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

44 2019-11-12 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

45 2019-11-09 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

46 2019-11-08 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

47 2019-11-07 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

48 2019-11-06 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

49 2019-10-31 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

50 2019-10-29 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

51 2019-10-25 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

52 2019-10-24 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

53 2019-10-23 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

54 2019-10-21 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

55 2019-10-20 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

56 2019-10-19 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

57 2019-10-18 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

58 2019-10-17 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

59 2019-10-16 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

60 2019-10-15 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

61 2019-10-14 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

62 2019-10-12 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

63 2019-10-11 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

64 2019-10-10 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

65 2019-10-09 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

66 2019-10-08 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

67 2019-10-05 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

68 2019-10-04 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

69 2019-10-03 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

70 2019-10-02 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

71 2019-09-27 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

72 2019-09-26 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

73 2019-09-25 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

74 2019-09-21 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

75 2019-09-20 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

76 2019-09-19 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

77 2019-09-18 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

78 2019-09-13 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

79 2019-09-12 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

80 2019-09-11 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

81 2019-09-10 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

82 2019-09-07 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

83 2019-09-06 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

84 2019-09-05 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

85 2019-09-03 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

86 2019-08-31 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

87 2019-08-30 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

88 2019-08-29 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

89 2019-08-28 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

90 2019-08-27 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

91 2019-08-25 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

92 2019-08-24 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

93 2019-08-23 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

94 2019-08-22 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

95 2019-08-21 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

96 2019-08-20 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

97 2019-08-17 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

98 2019-08-15 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

99 2019-08-14 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

100 2019-08-13 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

101 2019-08-10 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

102 2019-08-09 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

103 2019-08-08 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

104 2019-08-07 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

105 2019-08-06 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

106 2019-08-03 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

107 2019-08-02 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

108 2019-08-01 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

109 2019-07-31 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

110 2019-07-30 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

111 2019-07-26 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

112 2019-07-25 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

113 2019-07-24 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

114 2019-07-23 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

115 2019-07-20 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

116 2019-07-19 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

117 2019-07-18 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

118 2019-07-17 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

119 2019-07-16 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

120 2019-07-15 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

121 2019-07-13 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

122 2019-07-12 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

123 2019-07-11 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

124 2019-07-10 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

125 2019-07-09 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

126 2019-07-07 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

127 2019-07-06 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

128 2019-07-05 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

129 2019-07-04 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

130 2019-07-03 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

131 2019-07-02 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

132 2019-07-01 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

133 2019-06-29 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

134 2019-06-28 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

135 2019-06-27 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

136 2019-06-26 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

137 2019-06-25 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

138 2019-06-22 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

139 2019-06-20 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

140 2019-06-19 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

141 2019-06-18 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

142 2019-06-15 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

143 2019-06-14 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

144 2019-06-12 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

145 2019-06-08 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

146 2019-06-07 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

147 2019-06-06 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

148 2019-06-05 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

149 2019-06-04 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

150 2019-06-02 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

151 2019-05-31 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

152 2019-05-30 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

153 2019-05-29 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

154 2019-05-28 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

155 2019-05-25 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

156 2019-05-24 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

157 2019-05-23 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

158 2019-05-22 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

159 2019-05-21 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

160 2019-05-17 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

161 2019-05-16 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

162 2019-05-15 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

163 2019-05-14 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

164 2019-05-11 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

165 2019-05-10 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

166 2019-05-09 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

167 2019-05-08 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

168 2019-05-07 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

169 2019-05-03 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

170 2019-04-30 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

171 2019-04-26 18:10:07

List of changed objects for elga:

172 2019-04-26 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

173 2019-04-25 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

174 2019-04-19 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

175 2019-04-18 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

176 2019-04-17 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

177 2019-04-13 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

178 2019-04-12 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

179 2019-04-11 03:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

180 2019-04-10 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

181 2019-04-09 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

182 2019-04-06 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

183 2019-04-05 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

184 2019-04-04 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

185 2019-04-03 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

186 2019-04-02 03:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

187 2019-03-29 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

188 2019-03-28 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

189 2019-03-27 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

190 2019-03-26 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

191 2019-03-22 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

192 2019-03-21 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

193 2019-03-20 04:01:02

List of changed objects for elga:

194 2019-03-19 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

195 2019-03-15 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

196 2019-03-14 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

197 2019-03-12 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

198 2019-03-08 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

199 2019-03-05 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

200 2019-03-01 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

201 2019-02-28 04:01:01

List of changed objects for elga:

202 2019-02-26 15:41:30

List of changed objects for elga:

203 2019-02-09 03:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

204 2019-02-01 03:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

205 2019-01-18 12:36:47

List of changed objects for elga:

206 2018-12-26 03:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

207 2018-12-02 16:32:57

List of changed objects for elga:

208 2018-11-08 03:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

209 2018-11-07 03:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

210 2018-11-06 03:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

211 2018-11-03 03:41:02

List of changed objects for elga:

212 2018-11-01 03:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

213 2018-10-31 03:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

214 2018-10-26 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

215 2018-10-19 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

216 2018-10-18 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

217 2018-09-28 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

218 2018-09-21 02:41:02

List of changed objects for elga:

219 2018-09-16 02:41:02

List of changed objects for elga:

220 2018-09-08 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

221 2018-09-03 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

222 2018-09-01 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

223 2018-08-27 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

224 2018-08-24 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

225 2018-08-22 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

226 2018-08-15 02:41:02

List of changed objects for elga:

227 2018-08-11 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

228 2018-08-10 02:41:01

List of changed objects for elga:

229 2018-07-24 17:51:52

List of changed objects for elga:

230 2018-07-15 03:16:07

List of changed objects for elga:

231 2018-07-15 03:16:07

List of changed objects for elga:

232 2018-07-14 03:22:10

List of changed objects for elga:

233 2018-07-14 03:22:10

List of changed objects for elga:

234 2018-07-13 03:05:33

List of changed objects for elga:

235 2018-07-13 03:05:33

List of changed objects for elga:

236 2018-07-12 03:11:46

List of changed objects for elga:

237 2018-07-12 03:11:46

List of changed objects for elga:

238 2018-07-11 03:10:58

List of changed objects for elga:

239 2018-07-11 03:10:58

List of changed objects for elga:

240 2018-07-10 03:28:57

List of changed objects for elga:

241 2018-07-10 03:28:57

List of changed objects for elga:

242 2018-07-09 03:01:53

List of changed objects for elga:

243 2018-07-09 03:01:53

List of changed objects for elga:

244 2018-07-08 03:14:16

List of changed objects for elga:

245 2018-07-08 03:14:16

List of changed objects for elga:

246 2018-07-07 03:01:48

List of changed objects for elga:

247 2018-07-07 03:01:48

List of changed objects for elga:

248 2018-07-05 03:02:13

List of changed objects for elga:

249 2018-07-05 03:02:13

List of changed objects for elga:

250 2018-07-05 03:02:13

List of changed objects for elga:

251 2018-07-04 03:04:07

List of changed objects for elga:

252 2018-07-04 03:04:07

List of changed objects for elga:

253 2018-07-03 03:04:43

List of changed objects for elga:

254 2018-07-03 03:04:43

List of changed objects for elga:

255 2018-07-03 03:04:43

List of changed objects for elga:

256 2018-07-02 03:05:24

List of changed objects for elga:

257 2018-07-02 03:05:24

List of changed objects for elga:

258 2018-07-01 03:25:01

List of changed objects for elga:

259 2018-07-01 03:25:01

List of changed objects for elga:

260 2018-06-30 03:19:22

List of changed objects for elga:

261 2018-06-30 03:19:22

List of changed objects for elga:

262 2018-06-29 03:05:40

List of changed objects for elga:

263 2018-06-29 03:05:40

List of changed objects for elga:

264 2018-06-28 03:02:54

List of changed objects for elga:

265 2018-06-28 03:02:54

List of changed objects for elga:

266 2018-06-27 03:03:18

List of changed objects for elga:

267 2018-06-27 03:03:18

List of changed objects for elga:

268 2018-06-26 03:05:03

List of changed objects for elga:

269 2018-06-26 03:05:03

List of changed objects for elga:

270 2018-06-25 03:05:53

List of changed objects for elga:

271 2018-06-25 03:05:53

List of changed objects for elga:

272 2018-06-24 03:08:11

List of changed objects for elga:

273 2018-06-24 03:08:11

List of changed objects for elga:

274 2018-06-23 03:13:44

List of changed objects for elga:

275 2018-06-23 03:13:44

List of changed objects for elga:

276 2018-06-22 03:26:40

List of changed objects for elga:

277 2018-06-22 03:26:40

List of changed objects for elga:

278 2018-06-20 03:14:55

List of changed objects for elga:

279 2018-06-20 03:14:55

List of changed objects for elga:

280 2018-06-20 03:14:55

List of changed objects for elga:

281 2018-06-18 03:00:49

List of changed objects for elga:

282 2018-06-18 03:00:49

List of changed objects for elga:

283 2018-06-17 03:16:07

List of changed objects for elga:

284 2018-06-17 03:16:07

List of changed objects for elga:

285 2018-06-16 03:01:37

List of changed objects for elga:

286 2018-06-16 03:01:37

List of changed objects for elga:

287 2018-06-15 03:04:48

List of changed objects for elga:

288 2018-06-15 03:04:48

List of changed objects for elga:

289 2018-06-14 03:10:24

List of changed objects for elga:

290 2018-06-14 03:10:24

List of changed objects for elga:

291 2018-06-13 03:04:04

List of changed objects for elga:

292 2018-06-13 03:04:04

List of changed objects for elga:

293 2018-06-13 03:04:04

List of changed objects for elga:

294 2018-05-11 03:10:40

List of changed objects for elga:

295 2018-05-11 03:10:40

List of changed objects for elga:

296 2018-05-10 03:02:34

List of changed objects for elga:

297 2018-05-10 03:02:34

List of changed objects for elga:

298 2018-05-09 03:19:57

List of changed objects for elga:

299 2018-05-09 03:19:57

List of changed objects for elga:

300 2018-05-08 03:03:08

List of changed objects for elga:

301 2018-05-08 03:03:08

List of changed objects for elga:

302 2018-05-07 03:05:15

List of changed objects for elga:

303 2018-05-07 03:05:15

List of changed objects for elga:

304 2018-05-06 03:20:00

List of changed objects for elga:

305 2018-05-06 03:20:00

List of changed objects for elga:

306 2018-05-05 03:04:15

List of changed objects for elga:

307 2018-05-05 03:04:15

List of changed objects for elga:

308 2018-05-04 03:03:33

List of changed objects for elga:

309 2018-05-04 03:03:33

List of changed objects for elga:

310 2018-05-03 03:06:46

List of changed objects for elga:

311 2018-05-03 03:06:46

List of changed objects for elga:

312 2018-05-02 03:02:46

List of changed objects for elga:

313 2018-05-02 03:02:46

List of changed objects for elga:

314 2018-05-01 03:02:48

List of changed objects for elga:

315 2018-05-01 03:02:48

List of changed objects for elga:

316 2018-04-30 03:05:50

List of changed objects for elga:

317 2018-04-30 03:05:50

List of changed objects for elga:

318 2018-04-29 03:08:12

List of changed objects for elga:

319 2018-04-29 03:08:12

List of changed objects for elga:

320 2018-04-28 03:05:00

List of changed objects for elga:

321 2018-04-28 03:05:00

List of changed objects for elga:

322 2018-04-27 03:05:08

List of changed objects for elga:

323 2018-04-27 03:05:08

List of changed objects for elga:

324 2018-04-26 02:47:03

List of changed objects for elga:

325 2018-04-26 02:47:03

List of changed objects for elga:

326 2018-04-25 02:47:18

List of changed objects for elga:

327 2018-04-25 02:47:18

List of changed objects for elga:

328 2018-04-25 02:47:18

List of changed objects for elga:

329 2018-04-24 14:56:58

List of changed objects for elga:

330 2018-04-24 14:56:58

List of changed objects for elga:

331 2018-04-24 14:56:58

List of changed objects for elga:

332 2018-04-24 02:47:58

List of changed objects for elga:

333 2018-04-24 02:44:02

List of changed objects for elgaps:

334 2018-04-24 02:30:19

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

335 2018-04-23 02:48:42

List of changed objects for elga:

336 2018-04-23 02:44:37

List of changed objects for elgaps:

337 2018-04-23 02:31:58

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

338 2018-04-22 02:50:06

List of changed objects for elga:

339 2018-04-22 02:46:09

List of changed objects for elgaps:

340 2018-04-22 02:33:52

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

341 2018-04-21 02:46:19

List of changed objects for elga:

342 2018-04-21 02:42:45

List of changed objects for elgaps:

343 2018-04-21 02:30:31

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

344 2018-04-20 02:48:09

List of changed objects for elga:

345 2018-04-20 02:44:14

List of changed objects for elgaps:

346 2018-04-20 02:30:39

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

347 2018-04-19 02:50:15

List of changed objects for elga:

348 2018-04-19 02:46:30

List of changed objects for elgaps:

349 2018-04-19 02:34:12

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

350 2018-04-18 03:23:24

List of changed objects for elga:

351 2018-04-18 03:19:59

List of changed objects for elgaps:

352 2018-04-18 03:08:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

353 2018-04-17 03:15:51

List of changed objects for elga:

354 2018-04-17 03:12:40

List of changed objects for elgaps:

355 2018-04-17 03:00:07

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

356 2018-04-16 03:11:07

List of changed objects for elga:

357 2018-04-16 03:08:40

List of changed objects for elgaps:

358 2018-04-16 03:01:56

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

359 2018-04-15 03:16:44

List of changed objects for elga:

360 2018-04-15 03:14:16

List of changed objects for elgaps:

361 2018-04-15 03:06:46

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

362 2018-04-14 03:37:25

List of changed objects for elga:

363 2018-04-14 03:34:35

List of changed objects for elgaps:

364 2018-04-14 03:25:28

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

365 2018-04-13 03:18:02

List of changed objects for elga:

366 2018-04-13 03:15:48

List of changed objects for elgaps:

367 2018-04-13 03:08:04

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

368 2018-04-12 03:19:03

List of changed objects for elga:

369 2018-04-12 03:17:00

List of changed objects for elgaps:

370 2018-04-12 03:10:03

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

371 2018-04-11 03:15:58

List of changed objects for elga:

372 2018-04-11 03:14:06

List of changed objects for elgaps:

373 2018-04-11 03:07:26

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

374 2018-04-10 03:14:27

List of changed objects for elga:

375 2018-04-10 03:12:29

List of changed objects for elgaps:

376 2018-04-10 03:06:26

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

377 2018-04-09 03:07:38

List of changed objects for elga:

378 2018-04-09 03:05:32

List of changed objects for elgaps:

379 2018-04-09 02:59:31

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

380 2018-04-08 03:08:46

List of changed objects for elga:

381 2018-04-08 03:06:00

List of changed objects for elgaps:

382 2018-04-08 02:59:38

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

383 2018-04-07 03:06:59

List of changed objects for elga:

384 2018-04-07 03:04:18

List of changed objects for elgaps:

385 2018-04-07 02:58:21

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

386 2018-04-06 03:06:55

List of changed objects for elga:

387 2018-04-06 03:04:54

List of changed objects for elgaps:

388 2018-04-06 02:59:12

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

389 2018-04-05 03:11:47

List of changed objects for elga:

390 2018-04-05 03:09:45

List of changed objects for elgaps:

391 2018-04-05 03:03:55

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

392 2018-03-30 09:41:17

List of changed objects for elgaps:

393 2018-03-30 09:33:22

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

394 2018-03-21 03:56:45

List of changed objects for elga:

395 2018-03-21 03:54:12

List of changed objects for elgaps:

396 2018-03-21 03:44:21

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

397 2018-03-20 03:59:04

List of changed objects for elga:

398 2018-03-20 03:56:17

List of changed objects for elgaps:

399 2018-03-20 03:46:25

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

400 2018-03-19 03:58:45

List of changed objects for elga:

401 2018-03-19 03:56:05

List of changed objects for elgaps:

402 2018-03-19 03:46:18

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

403 2018-03-18 04:01:12

List of changed objects for elga:

404 2018-03-18 03:58:03

List of changed objects for elgaps:

405 2018-03-18 03:48:08

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

406 2018-03-17 04:04:20

List of changed objects for elga:

407 2018-03-17 04:01:30

List of changed objects for elgaps:

408 2018-03-17 03:50:49

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

409 2018-03-16 04:01:39

List of changed objects for elga:

410 2018-03-16 03:58:50

List of changed objects for elgaps:

411 2018-03-16 03:48:00

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

412 2018-03-15 04:00:34

List of changed objects for elga:

413 2018-03-15 03:58:03

List of changed objects for elgaps:

414 2018-03-15 03:48:49

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

415 2018-03-14 03:58:15

List of changed objects for elga:

416 2018-03-14 03:55:31

List of changed objects for elgaps:

417 2018-03-14 03:45:52

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

418 2018-03-13 04:02:21

List of changed objects for elga:

419 2018-03-13 03:59:41

List of changed objects for elgaps:

420 2018-03-13 03:50:08

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

421 2018-03-12 03:59:02

List of changed objects for elga:

422 2018-03-12 03:56:24

List of changed objects for elgaps:

423 2018-03-12 03:46:36

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

424 2018-03-11 03:59:54

List of changed objects for elga:

425 2018-03-11 03:57:32

List of changed objects for elgaps:

426 2018-03-11 03:50:37

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

427 2018-03-10 03:58:59

List of changed objects for elga:

428 2018-03-10 03:56:46

List of changed objects for elgaps:

429 2018-03-10 03:49:49

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

430 2018-03-08 03:55:42

List of changed objects for elga:

431 2018-03-08 03:43:50

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

432 2018-03-07 03:58:35

List of changed objects for elga:

433 2018-03-07 03:47:04

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

434 2018-03-06 03:54:01

List of changed objects for elga:

435 2018-03-06 03:42:20

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

436 2018-03-05 03:53:37

List of changed objects for elga:

437 2018-03-05 03:44:15

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

438 2018-03-04 03:59:36

List of changed objects for elga:

439 2018-03-04 03:50:33

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

440 2018-03-03 03:57:21

List of changed objects for elga:

441 2018-03-03 03:48:27

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

442 2018-03-02 03:51:55

List of changed objects for elga:

443 2018-03-02 03:41:48

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

444 2018-03-01 03:54:33

List of changed objects for elga:

445 2018-03-01 03:43:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

446 2018-02-28 03:57:13

List of changed objects for elga:

447 2018-02-28 03:44:55

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

448 2018-02-27 03:56:00

List of changed objects for elga:

449 2018-02-27 03:44:09

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

450 2018-02-26 03:52:59

List of changed objects for elga:

451 2018-02-26 03:41:20

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

452 2018-02-25 03:54:48

List of changed objects for elga:

453 2018-02-25 03:43:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

454 2018-02-24 03:51:55

List of changed objects for elga:

455 2018-02-24 03:40:20

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

456 2018-02-23 03:54:07

List of changed objects for elga:

457 2018-02-23 03:41:26

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

458 2018-02-22 03:51:58

List of changed objects for elga:

459 2018-02-22 03:40:27

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

460 2018-02-21 03:53:50

List of changed objects for elga:

461 2018-02-21 03:42:31

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

462 2018-02-20 03:53:55

List of changed objects for elga:

463 2018-02-20 03:42:14

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

464 2018-02-19 03:52:41

List of changed objects for elga:

465 2018-02-19 03:41:01

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

466 2018-02-18 03:54:35

List of changed objects for elga:

467 2018-02-18 03:43:03

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

468 2018-02-17 03:51:39

List of changed objects for elga:

469 2018-02-17 03:40:09

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

470 2018-02-16 03:54:45

List of changed objects for elga:

471 2018-02-16 03:42:52

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

472 2018-02-15 03:52:08

List of changed objects for elga:

473 2018-02-15 03:40:30

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

474 2018-02-14 03:51:01

List of changed objects for elga:

475 2018-02-14 03:39:40

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

476 2018-02-13 03:54:54

List of changed objects for elga:

477 2018-02-13 03:43:32

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

478 2018-02-12 03:54:54

List of changed objects for elga:

479 2018-02-12 03:43:13

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

480 2018-02-11 03:53:56

List of changed objects for elga:

481 2018-02-11 03:42:23

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

482 2018-02-10 03:52:16

List of changed objects for elga:

483 2018-02-10 03:40:55

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

484 2018-02-09 03:53:30

List of changed objects for elga:

485 2018-02-09 03:41:36

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

486 2018-02-08 03:52:05

List of changed objects for elga:

487 2018-02-08 03:40:22

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

488 2018-02-07 03:50:44

List of changed objects for elga:

489 2018-02-07 03:39:22

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

490 2018-02-06 03:51:39

List of changed objects for elga:

491 2018-02-06 03:39:17

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

492 2018-02-05 03:39:10

List of changed objects for elga:

493 2018-02-05 03:26:48

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

494 2018-02-04 03:39:14

List of changed objects for elga:

495 2018-02-04 03:27:28

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

496 2018-02-03 03:38:16

List of changed objects for elga:

497 2018-02-03 03:26:32

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

498 2018-02-02 03:39:15

List of changed objects for elga:

499 2018-02-02 03:27:26

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

500 2018-02-01 03:41:25

List of changed objects for elga:

501 2018-02-01 03:29:04

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

502 2018-01-31 03:38:00

List of changed objects for elga:

503 2018-01-31 03:26:45

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

504 2018-01-30 03:37:48

List of changed objects for elga:

505 2018-01-30 03:26:26

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

506 2018-01-29 03:34:07

List of changed objects for elga:

507 2018-01-29 03:26:29

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

508 2018-01-28 03:35:21

List of changed objects for elga:

509 2018-01-28 03:27:31

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

510 2018-01-27 03:33:25

List of changed objects for elga:

511 2018-01-27 03:25:19

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

512 2018-01-26 03:35:23

List of changed objects for elga:

513 2018-01-26 03:27:21

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

514 2018-01-25 03:36:19

List of changed objects for elga:

515 2018-01-25 03:26:30

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

516 2018-01-24 03:39:18

List of changed objects for elga:

517 2018-01-24 03:27:24

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

518 2018-01-23 03:39:28

List of changed objects for elga:

519 2018-01-23 03:27:55

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

520 2018-01-22 03:40:01

List of changed objects for elga:

521 2018-01-22 03:28:45

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

522 2018-01-21 03:38:51

List of changed objects for elga:

523 2018-01-21 03:27:11

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

524 2018-01-20 03:38:18

List of changed objects for elga:

525 2018-01-20 03:26:59

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

526 2018-01-19 03:35:31

List of changed objects for elga:

527 2018-01-19 03:26:55

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

528 2018-01-18 03:39:03

List of changed objects for elga:

529 2018-01-18 03:27:59

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

530 2018-01-17 03:38:04

List of changed objects for elga:

531 2018-01-17 03:27:15

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

532 2018-01-16 03:37:52

List of changed objects for elga:

533 2018-01-16 03:26:59

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

534 2018-01-15 03:38:50

List of changed objects for elga:

535 2018-01-15 03:27:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

536 2018-01-14 03:38:53

List of changed objects for elga:

537 2018-01-14 03:27:34

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

538 2018-01-13 03:38:42

List of changed objects for elga:

539 2018-01-13 03:27:24

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

540 2018-01-12 10:24:59

List of changed objects for elga:

541 2018-01-12 10:21:58

List of changed objects for elgaps:

542 2018-01-12 10:14:11

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

543 2018-01-10 12:22:14

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

544 2018-01-10 08:05:00

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

545 2018-01-10 07:40:58

List of changed objects for elgaps:

546 2018-01-07 03:39:18

List of changed objects for elga:

547 2018-01-07 03:36:58

List of changed objects for elgaps:

548 2018-01-07 03:27:43

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

549 2018-01-06 03:38:30

List of changed objects for elga:

550 2018-01-06 03:36:01

List of changed objects for elgaps:

551 2018-01-06 03:27:03

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

552 2018-01-05 03:37:49

List of changed objects for elga:

553 2018-01-05 03:35:22

List of changed objects for elgaps:

554 2018-01-05 03:26:22

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

555 2018-01-04 03:38:29

List of changed objects for elga:

556 2018-01-04 03:35:43

List of changed objects for elgaps:

557 2018-01-04 03:26:13

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

558 2018-01-03 03:37:44

List of changed objects for elga:

559 2018-01-03 03:34:55

List of changed objects for elgaps:

560 2018-01-03 03:25:59

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

561 2018-01-02 03:36:59

List of changed objects for elga:

562 2018-01-02 03:26:01

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

563 2018-01-01 03:37:31

List of changed objects for elga:

564 2018-01-01 03:26:22

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

565 2017-12-31 03:38:10

List of changed objects for elga:

566 2017-12-31 03:26:45

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

567 2017-12-30 03:38:46

List of changed objects for elga:

568 2017-12-30 03:27:45

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

569 2017-12-29 03:37:24

List of changed objects for elga:

570 2017-12-29 03:26:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

571 2017-12-28 03:36:49

List of changed objects for elga:

572 2017-12-28 03:26:01

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

573 2017-12-27 03:37:03

List of changed objects for elga:

574 2017-12-27 03:26:10

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

575 2017-12-26 03:37:41

List of changed objects for elga:

576 2017-12-26 03:26:34

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

577 2017-12-25 03:37:39

List of changed objects for elga:

578 2017-12-25 03:26:49

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

579 2017-12-24 03:37:56

List of changed objects for elga:

580 2017-12-24 03:27:00

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

581 2017-12-23 03:37:46

List of changed objects for elga:

582 2017-12-23 03:26:39

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

583 2017-12-22 03:37:21

List of changed objects for elga:

584 2017-12-22 03:26:23

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

585 2017-12-21 03:37:39

List of changed objects for elga:

586 2017-12-21 03:26:28

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

587 2017-12-20 03:37:36

List of changed objects for elga:

588 2017-12-20 03:26:53

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

589 2017-12-19 03:36:53

List of changed objects for elga:

590 2017-12-19 03:26:05

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

591 2017-12-18 03:43:57

List of changed objects for elga:

592 2017-12-18 03:41:19

List of changed objects for elgaps:

593 2017-12-18 03:30:36

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

594 2017-12-17 03:37:27

List of changed objects for elga:

595 2017-12-17 03:26:26

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

596 2017-12-16 03:37:13

List of changed objects for elga:

597 2017-12-16 03:26:26

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

598 2017-12-15 03:36:58

List of changed objects for elga:

599 2017-12-15 03:26:19

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

600 2017-12-14 03:36:58

List of changed objects for elga:

601 2017-12-14 03:34:33

List of changed objects for elgaps:

602 2017-12-14 03:25:54

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

603 2017-12-13 03:36:40

List of changed objects for elga:

604 2017-12-13 03:25:49

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

605 2017-12-12 03:37:29

List of changed objects for elga:

606 2017-12-12 03:26:20

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

607 2017-12-11 03:37:52

List of changed objects for elga:

608 2017-12-11 03:35:04

List of changed objects for elgaps:

609 2017-12-11 03:26:28

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

610 2017-12-10 03:37:03

List of changed objects for elga:

611 2017-12-10 03:34:36

List of changed objects for elgaps:

612 2017-12-10 03:25:41

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

613 2017-12-09 03:37:05

List of changed objects for elga:

614 2017-12-09 03:25:58

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

615 2017-12-08 03:36:28

List of changed objects for elga:

616 2017-12-08 03:25:17

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

617 2017-12-07 03:36:07

List of changed objects for elga:

618 2017-12-07 03:33:49

List of changed objects for elgaps:

619 2017-12-07 03:25:22

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

620 2017-12-06 03:35:44

List of changed objects for elga:

621 2017-12-06 03:33:26

List of changed objects for elgaps:

622 2017-12-06 03:25:55

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

623 2017-12-05 03:35:29

List of changed objects for elga:

624 2017-12-05 03:33:23

List of changed objects for elgaps:

625 2017-12-05 03:25:30

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

626 2017-12-04 03:35:01

List of changed objects for elga:

627 2017-12-04 03:25:22

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

628 2017-12-03 03:35:36

List of changed objects for elga:

629 2017-12-03 03:33:35

List of changed objects for elgaps:

630 2017-12-03 03:25:55

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

631 2017-12-02 03:36:07

List of changed objects for elga:

632 2017-12-02 03:33:56

List of changed objects for elgaps:

633 2017-12-02 03:25:58

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

634 2017-12-01 03:35:21

List of changed objects for elga:

635 2017-12-01 03:33:16

List of changed objects for elgaps:

636 2017-12-01 03:25:25

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

637 2017-11-30 03:37:11

List of changed objects for elga:

638 2017-11-30 03:34:14

List of changed objects for elgaps:

639 2017-11-30 03:25:29

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

640 2017-11-29 03:39:12

List of changed objects for elga:

641 2017-11-29 03:27:11

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

642 2017-11-28 03:37:22

List of changed objects for elga:

643 2017-11-28 03:34:48

List of changed objects for elgaps:

644 2017-11-28 03:26:20

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

645 2017-11-27 03:35:46

List of changed objects for elga:

646 2017-11-27 03:33:40

List of changed objects for elgaps:

647 2017-11-27 03:25:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

648 2017-11-26 03:36:36

List of changed objects for elga:

649 2017-11-26 03:26:47

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

650 2017-11-25 03:37:28

List of changed objects for elga:

651 2017-11-25 03:26:42

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

652 2017-11-24 03:36:51

List of changed objects for elga:

653 2017-11-24 03:34:41

List of changed objects for elgaps:

654 2017-11-24 03:25:53

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

655 2017-11-23 11:38:16

List of changed objects for elga:

656 2017-11-23 11:35:28

List of changed objects for elgaps:

657 2017-11-23 11:23:48

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

658 2017-11-23 10:15:53

List of changed objects for elgaps:

659 2017-11-23 10:06:46

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

660 2017-11-23 03:44:08

List of changed objects for elga:

661 2017-11-23 03:41:14

List of changed objects for elgaps:

662 2017-11-23 03:27:59

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

663 2017-11-22 03:36:25

List of changed objects for elga:

664 2017-11-22 03:25:54

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

665 2017-11-21 03:38:12

List of changed objects for elga:

666 2017-11-21 03:36:06

List of changed objects for elgaps:

667 2017-11-21 03:27:20

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

668 2017-11-20 03:36:23

List of changed objects for elga:

669 2017-11-20 03:26:07

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

670 2017-11-19 03:35:44

List of changed objects for elga:

671 2017-11-19 03:25:10

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

672 2017-11-18 03:35:00

List of changed objects for elga:

673 2017-11-18 03:24:35

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

674 2017-11-17 03:35:46

List of changed objects for elga:

675 2017-11-17 03:25:06

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

676 2017-11-16 03:34:55

List of changed objects for elga:

677 2017-11-16 03:24:44

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

678 2017-11-15 03:35:37

List of changed objects for elga:

679 2017-11-15 03:25:27

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

680 2017-11-14 03:32:30

List of changed objects for elga:

681 2017-11-14 03:31:04

List of changed objects for elgaps:

682 2017-11-14 03:25:04

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

683 2017-11-13 03:35:38

List of changed objects for elga:

684 2017-11-13 03:25:04

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

685 2017-11-12 03:40:08

List of changed objects for elga:

686 2017-11-12 03:37:43

List of changed objects for elgaps:

687 2017-11-12 03:27:23

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

688 2017-11-11 03:39:47

List of changed objects for elga:

689 2017-11-11 03:28:25

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

690 2017-11-10 03:40:11

List of changed objects for elga:

691 2017-11-10 03:37:56

List of changed objects for elgaps:

692 2017-11-10 03:29:34

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

693 2017-11-09 03:37:57

List of changed objects for elga:

694 2017-11-09 03:35:50

List of changed objects for elgaps:

695 2017-11-09 03:27:18

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

696 2017-11-08 03:37:23

List of changed objects for elga:

697 2017-11-08 03:27:07

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

698 2017-11-07 03:37:30

List of changed objects for elga:

699 2017-11-07 03:26:42

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

700 2017-11-06 03:39:42

List of changed objects for elga:

701 2017-11-06 03:36:52

List of changed objects for elgaps:

702 2017-11-06 03:28:01

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

703 2017-11-05 03:37:25

List of changed objects for elga:

704 2017-11-05 03:35:24

List of changed objects for elgaps:

705 2017-11-05 03:26:59

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

706 2017-11-04 03:38:02

List of changed objects for elga:

707 2017-11-04 03:36:03

List of changed objects for elgaps:

708 2017-11-04 03:27:39

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

709 2017-11-03 03:36:42

List of changed objects for elga:

710 2017-11-03 03:34:40

List of changed objects for elgaps:

711 2017-11-03 03:26:38

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

712 2017-11-02 03:39:21

List of changed objects for elga:

713 2017-11-02 03:37:10

List of changed objects for elgaps:

714 2017-11-02 03:28:04

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

715 2017-11-01 03:36:34

List of changed objects for elga:

716 2017-11-01 03:34:34

List of changed objects for elgaps:

717 2017-11-01 03:26:36

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

718 2017-10-31 03:38:09

List of changed objects for elga:

719 2017-10-31 03:36:10

List of changed objects for elgaps:

720 2017-10-31 03:27:57

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

721 2017-10-30 03:36:43

List of changed objects for elga:

722 2017-10-30 03:34:43

List of changed objects for elgaps:

723 2017-10-30 03:26:45

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

724 2017-10-29 03:39:20

List of changed objects for elga:

725 2017-10-29 03:37:24

List of changed objects for elgaps:

726 2017-10-29 03:29:04

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

727 2017-10-28 02:38:01

List of changed objects for elga:

728 2017-10-28 02:35:59

List of changed objects for elgaps:

729 2017-10-28 02:28:02

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

730 2017-10-27 02:38:18

List of changed objects for elga:

731 2017-10-27 02:36:00

List of changed objects for elgaps:

732 2017-10-27 02:28:04

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

733 2017-10-26 02:51:07

List of changed objects for elga:

734 2017-10-26 02:49:02

List of changed objects for elgaps:

735 2017-10-26 02:40:39

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

736 2017-10-25 02:52:26

List of changed objects for elga:

737 2017-10-25 02:50:18

List of changed objects for elgaps:

738 2017-10-25 02:41:09

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

739 2017-10-24 02:50:36

List of changed objects for elga:

740 2017-10-24 02:48:28

List of changed objects for elgaps:

741 2017-10-24 02:40:12

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

742 2017-10-23 02:50:02

List of changed objects for elga:

743 2017-10-23 02:48:02

List of changed objects for elgaps:

744 2017-10-23 02:39:43

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

745 2017-10-22 02:49:29

List of changed objects for elga:

746 2017-10-22 02:47:36

List of changed objects for elgaps:

747 2017-10-22 02:40:06

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

748 2017-10-21 02:50:18

List of changed objects for elga:

749 2017-10-21 02:48:23

List of changed objects for elgaps:

750 2017-10-21 02:40:56

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

751 2017-10-20 02:43:50

List of changed objects for elga:

752 2017-10-20 02:42:37

List of changed objects for elgaps:

753 2017-10-20 02:38:25

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

754 2017-10-19 02:43:25

List of changed objects for elga:

755 2017-10-19 02:42:13

List of changed objects for elgaps:

756 2017-10-19 02:37:58

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

757 2017-10-18 03:17:51

List of changed objects for elga:

758 2017-10-18 03:15:39

List of changed objects for elgaps:

759 2017-10-18 03:07:45

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

760 2017-10-01 02:33:32

List of changed objects for elga:

761 2017-10-01 02:32:41

List of changed objects for elgaps:

762 2017-10-01 02:28:53

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

763 2017-09-30 02:33:14

List of changed objects for elga:

764 2017-09-30 02:32:20

List of changed objects for elgaps:

765 2017-09-30 02:28:32

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

766 2017-09-29 02:34:11

List of changed objects for elga:

767 2017-09-29 02:33:09

List of changed objects for elgaps:

768 2017-09-29 02:29:14

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

769 2017-09-28 02:37:43

List of changed objects for elga:

770 2017-09-28 02:36:20

List of changed objects for elgaps:

771 2017-09-28 02:31:56

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

772 2017-09-27 02:33:57

List of changed objects for elga:

773 2017-09-27 02:33:00

List of changed objects for elgaps:

774 2017-09-27 02:29:10

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

775 2017-09-26 02:37:14

List of changed objects for elga:

776 2017-09-26 02:35:45

List of changed objects for elgaps:

777 2017-09-26 02:28:28

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

778 2017-09-25 02:33:59

List of changed objects for elga:

779 2017-09-25 02:33:04

List of changed objects for elgaps:

780 2017-09-25 02:28:59

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

781 2017-09-24 02:33:16

List of changed objects for elga:

782 2017-09-24 02:32:25

List of changed objects for elgaps:

783 2017-09-24 02:28:35

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

784 2017-09-23 02:33:05

List of changed objects for elga:

785 2017-09-23 02:32:15

List of changed objects for elgaps:

786 2017-09-23 02:28:41

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

787 2017-09-22 02:33:07

List of changed objects for elga:

788 2017-09-22 02:32:18

List of changed objects for elgaps:

789 2017-09-22 02:28:40

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

790 2017-09-21 02:33:11

List of changed objects for elga:

791 2017-09-21 02:32:21

List of changed objects for elgaps:

792 2017-09-21 02:28:33

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

793 2017-09-20 02:33:49

List of changed objects for elga:

794 2017-09-20 02:32:59

List of changed objects for elgaps:

795 2017-09-20 02:29:18

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

796 2017-09-19 02:34:50

List of changed objects for elga:

797 2017-09-19 02:33:38

List of changed objects for elgaps:

798 2017-09-19 02:28:29

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

799 2017-09-18 11:08:44

List of changed objects for elga:

800 2017-09-18 10:30:26

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

801 2017-09-18 02:30:39

List of changed objects for elgaps:

802 2017-09-18 02:28:03

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

803 2017-09-17 02:31:09

List of changed objects for elgaps:

804 2017-09-17 02:28:27

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

805 2017-09-16 02:33:05

List of changed objects for elgaps:

806 2017-09-16 02:30:18

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

807 2017-09-15 02:33:08

List of changed objects for elgaps:

808 2017-09-15 02:30:17

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

809 2017-09-14 02:34:42

List of changed objects for elgaps:

810 2017-09-14 02:31:29

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

811 2017-09-13 02:32:47

List of changed objects for elgaps:

812 2017-09-13 02:30:07

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

813 2017-09-12 02:28:48

List of changed objects for elgaps:

814 2017-09-12 02:26:03

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

815 2017-09-11 02:31:21

List of changed objects for elgaps:

816 2017-09-11 02:26:26

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

817 2017-09-10 02:31:15

List of changed objects for elgaps:

818 2017-09-10 02:26:55

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

819 2017-09-09 02:33:04

List of changed objects for elgaps:

820 2017-09-09 02:29:03

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

821 2017-09-08 02:32:48

List of changed objects for elgaps:

822 2017-09-08 02:28:25

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

823 2017-09-07 02:30:24

List of changed objects for elgaps:

824 2017-09-07 02:26:03

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

825 2017-09-06 02:30:17

List of changed objects for elgaps:

826 2017-09-06 02:25:53

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

827 2017-09-05 02:29:46

List of changed objects for elgaps:

828 2017-09-05 02:25:34

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

829 2017-09-04 02:30:04

List of changed objects for elgaps:

830 2017-09-04 02:25:30

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

831 2017-09-03 02:31:46

List of changed objects for elgaps:

832 2017-09-03 02:27:14

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

833 2017-09-02 02:33:06

List of changed objects for elgaps:

834 2017-09-02 02:26:43

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

835 2017-09-01 02:29:07

List of changed objects for elgaps:

836 2017-09-01 02:25:00

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

837 2017-08-31 02:29:23

List of changed objects for elgaps:

838 2017-08-31 02:25:02

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

839 2017-08-30 02:29:04

List of changed objects for elgaps:

840 2017-08-30 02:25:03

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

841 2017-08-29 02:28:50

List of changed objects for elgaps:

842 2017-08-29 02:24:53

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

843 2017-08-28 02:29:17

List of changed objects for elgaps:

844 2017-08-28 02:24:51

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

845 2017-08-27 02:28:49

List of changed objects for elgaps:

846 2017-08-27 02:24:46

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

847 2017-08-26 02:29:34

List of changed objects for elgaps:

848 2017-08-26 02:24:34

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

849 2017-08-25 02:27:15

List of changed objects for elgaps:

850 2017-08-25 02:24:54

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

851 2017-08-24 02:27:26

List of changed objects for elgaps:

852 2017-08-24 02:24:57

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

853 2017-08-23 02:28:14

List of changed objects for elgaps:

854 2017-08-23 02:25:14

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

855 2017-08-22 02:27:59

List of changed objects for elgaps:

856 2017-08-22 02:25:38

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

857 2017-08-21 02:27:50

List of changed objects for elgaps:

858 2017-08-21 02:25:19

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

859 2017-08-20 02:27:46

List of changed objects for elgaps:

860 2017-08-20 02:25:10

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

861 2017-08-19 02:28:41

List of changed objects for elgaps:

862 2017-08-19 02:26:14

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

863 2017-08-18 02:29:07

List of changed objects for elgaps:

864 2017-08-18 02:25:15

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

865 2017-08-17 02:29:16

List of changed objects for elgaps:

866 2017-08-17 02:25:13

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

867 2017-08-16 02:27:31

List of changed objects for elgaps:

868 2017-08-16 02:24:56

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

869 2017-08-15 02:28:42

List of changed objects for elgaps:

870 2017-08-15 02:26:22

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

871 2017-08-14 02:27:07

List of changed objects for elgaps:

872 2017-08-14 02:24:34

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

873 2017-08-13 02:27:53

List of changed objects for elgaps:

874 2017-08-13 02:24:55

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

875 2017-08-12 02:26:38

List of changed objects for elgaps:

876 2017-08-12 02:24:12

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

877 2017-08-11 02:26:40

List of changed objects for elgaps:

878 2017-08-11 02:24:12

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

879 2017-08-10 02:26:56

List of changed objects for elgaps:

880 2017-08-10 02:24:27

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

881 2017-08-09 02:26:42

List of changed objects for elgaps:

882 2017-08-09 02:24:09

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

883 2017-08-08 02:26:04

List of changed objects for elgaps:

884 2017-08-08 02:23:44

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

885 2017-08-07 02:26:31

List of changed objects for elgaps:

886 2017-08-07 02:24:14

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

887 2017-08-06 02:26:33

List of changed objects for elgaps:

888 2017-08-06 02:24:12

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

889 2017-08-05 02:26:55

List of changed objects for elgaps:

890 2017-08-05 02:24:41

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

891 2017-08-04 02:26:26

List of changed objects for elgaps:

892 2017-08-04 02:24:09

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

893 2017-08-03 02:26:41

List of changed objects for elgaps:

894 2017-08-03 02:24:21

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

895 2017-08-02 02:26:31

List of changed objects for elgaps:

896 2017-08-02 02:24:18

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)
  • AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)

897 2017-07-31 02:27:49

List of changed objects for elgaps:

898 2017-07-31 02:23:57

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)
  • AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)

899 2017-07-30 02:31:40

List of changed objects for elgaps:

900 2017-07-30 02:27:14

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

901 2017-07-29 17:46:41

List of changed objects for elgaps:

902 2017-07-29 17:42:40

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • +++ page update failure
  • EntlassungsdiagnoseFull (Template)
  • AllergienUnvertraeglichkeitenRisiken (Template)

903 2017-07-29 02:27:30

List of changed objects for elgaps:

904 2017-07-29 02:23:45

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

905 2017-07-28 02:26:33

List of changed objects for elgaps:

906 2017-07-28 02:24:01

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

907 2017-07-27 02:28:07

List of changed objects for elgaps:

908 2017-07-27 02:23:59

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

909 2017-07-26 15:14:09

List of changed objects for elgaps:

910 2017-07-26 14:56:02

List of changed objects for elgaps:

911 2017-07-26 14:49:34

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

912 2017-07-26 02:24:35

List of changed objects for elgaps:

913 2017-07-25 02:33:30

List of changed objects for elgaps:

914 2017-07-25 02:29:41

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

915 2017-07-24 12:52:23

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

916 2017-07-24 02:27:50

List of changed objects for elgaps:

917 2017-07-24 02:23:43

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

918 2017-07-23 02:28:06

List of changed objects for elgaps:

919 2017-07-23 02:24:13

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

920 2017-07-22 02:29:39

List of changed objects for elgaps:

921 2017-07-22 02:23:57

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

922 2017-07-21 02:26:50

List of changed objects for elgaps:

923 2017-07-21 02:24:00

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

924 2017-07-20 02:25:55

List of changed objects for elgaps:

925 2017-07-20 02:23:45

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

926 2017-07-19 02:25:59

List of changed objects for elgaps:

927 2017-07-19 02:23:52

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

928 2017-07-17 02:27:22

List of changed objects for elgaps:

929 2017-07-17 02:23:50

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

930 2017-07-16 02:27:27

List of changed objects for elgaps:

931 2017-07-16 02:23:56

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

932 2017-07-15 02:28:00

List of changed objects for elgaps:

933 2017-07-15 02:24:07

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

934 2017-07-14 08:30:34

List of changed objects for elgaps:

935 2017-07-14 02:24:07

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

936 2017-07-13 09:39:03

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

937 2017-07-13 02:25:36

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

938 2017-07-12 02:24:47

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

939 2017-07-11 02:23:59

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

940 2017-07-10 02:23:41

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

941 2017-07-09 02:23:34

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

942 2017-07-08 02:24:12

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

943 2017-07-07 02:24:28

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

944 2017-07-06 02:29:01

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

945 2017-07-05 02:23:33

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

946 2017-07-04 02:23:37

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

947 2017-07-03 02:23:36

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

948 2017-07-02 02:23:19

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

949 2017-07-01 02:23:20

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

950 2017-06-30 02:24:28

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

951 2017-06-29 02:33:06

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

952 2017-06-28 02:27:41

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

953 2017-06-27 02:27:51

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

954 2017-06-26 02:23:19

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

955 2017-06-25 09:42:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

956 2017-06-16 08:07:02

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

957 2017-06-16 02:23:12

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

958 2017-06-15 02:27:42

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

959 2017-06-14 02:23:04

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

960 2017-06-13 02:25:58

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

961 2017-06-12 02:23:08

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

962 2017-06-11 02:22:42

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

963 2017-06-10 02:22:41

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

964 2017-06-08 02:22:39

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

965 2017-06-07 02:22:44

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

966 2017-06-06 02:22:33

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

967 2017-06-05 02:22:54

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

968 2017-06-04 02:23:08

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

969 2017-06-03 02:22:36

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

970 2017-06-02 02:22:33

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

971 2017-06-01 02:23:45

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

972 2017-05-31 02:22:06

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

973 2017-05-30 02:22:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

974 2017-05-29 02:22:20

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

975 2017-05-28 02:22:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

976 2017-05-27 02:22:02

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

977 2017-05-26 02:22:28

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

978 2017-05-25 02:22:36

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

979 2017-05-24 02:22:12

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

980 2017-05-23 02:22:39

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

981 2017-05-22 02:22:03

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

982 2017-05-21 02:22:07

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

983 2017-05-20 02:22:13

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

984 2017-05-19 02:22:14

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

985 2017-05-18 02:22:21

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

986 2017-05-17 02:22:17

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

987 2017-05-16 10:58:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

988 2017-05-16 02:21:46

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

989 2017-05-15 09:46:22

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

990 2017-05-15 02:22:07

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

991 2017-05-14 02:25:26

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

992 2017-05-12 02:21:17

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

993 2017-05-10 02:20:58

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

994 2017-05-09 14:14:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

995 2017-05-09 02:21:07

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

996 2017-05-08 02:21:20

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

997 2017-05-07 02:21:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

998 2017-05-06 02:21:12

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

999 2017-05-05 02:21:27

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.000 2017-05-04 02:21:10

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.001 2017-05-03 02:21:36

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.002 2017-05-02 02:22:32

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.003 2017-05-01 02:21:00

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.004 2017-04-30 02:21:15

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.005 2017-04-29 02:21:40

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.006 2017-04-28 02:22:18

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.007 2017-04-27 02:22:54

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.008 2017-04-26 02:23:48

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.009 2017-04-25 02:21:10

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.010 2017-04-24 02:21:05

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.011 2017-04-23 02:21:35

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.012 2017-04-22 02:21:22

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.013 2017-04-21 02:21:18

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.014 2017-04-20 02:22:23

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.015 2017-04-19 02:21:33

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.016 2017-04-18 02:21:03

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.017 2017-04-17 20:05:07

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.018 2017-04-17 19:46:52

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.019 2017-04-17 02:13:46

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.020 2017-04-16 02:13:50

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.021 2017-04-15 02:13:48

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.022 2017-04-14 02:13:36

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.023 2017-04-13 21:35:21

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.024 2017-04-13 03:44:40

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.025 2017-04-12 03:11:02

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.026 2017-04-11 03:23:18

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.027 2017-04-10 03:08:46

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.028 2017-04-09 03:08:37

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.029 2017-04-08 03:15:48

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.030 2017-04-07 03:15:38

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.031 2017-04-06 03:12:42

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.032 2017-04-05 03:12:53

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.033 2017-04-04 03:17:47

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.034 2017-04-03 03:15:41

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.035 2017-04-02 03:16:19

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.036 2017-04-01 03:15:35

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.037 2017-03-31 03:06:27

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.038 2017-03-30 03:15:40

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.039 2017-03-29 03:23:12

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.040 2017-03-28 02:24:10

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.041 2017-03-27 02:22:56

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.042 2017-03-26 02:23:00

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.043 2017-03-25 03:26:23

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.044 2017-03-24 03:22:53

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.045 2017-03-23 03:22:43

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.046 2017-03-22 03:24:26

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.047 2017-03-21 03:45:18

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.048 2017-03-20 04:05:36

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.049 2017-03-19 03:58:01

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.050 2017-03-18 03:58:30

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.051 2017-03-17 04:03:29

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.052 2017-03-16 03:56:35

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.053 2017-03-15 03:56:05

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.054 2017-03-14 03:54:44

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.055 2017-03-13 03:51:54

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.056 2017-03-12 03:49:58

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.057 2017-03-11 03:53:29

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.058 2017-03-10 04:02:25

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.059 2017-03-09 03:43:43

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.060 2017-03-08 11:17:04

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.061 2017-03-08 03:46:49

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.062 2017-03-06 03:45:11

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.063 2017-03-05 03:44:16

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.064 2017-03-04 04:08:29

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.065 2017-03-03 03:46:28

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.066 2017-03-02 03:47:24

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.067 2017-03-01 03:46:00

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.068 2017-02-28 03:44:19

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.069 2017-02-27 14:40:31

List of changed objects for elga-sandbox:

1.070 2017-02-27 03:42:13

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.071 2017-02-26 03:46:37

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.072 2017-02-25 03:45:30

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.073 2017-02-24 03:45:38

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.074 2017-02-23 03:45:53

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.075 2017-02-22 03:42:04

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.076 2017-02-21 03:48:51

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.077 2017-02-11 03:42:07

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.078 2017-02-10 18:00:22

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.079 2017-02-10 17:59:20

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.080 2017-02-10 17:56:48

List of changed objects for elgabbr:

1.081 2017-02-10 17:51:14

List of changed objects for elgabbr: